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Fireplace in All-Electric House


We’d like to have a fireplace in our otherwise all-electric new home. We considered wood burning options, but ended up ruling them out due to the aggravation of starting the fire and cleaning ashes afterwards.

So as far as I can tell, that leaves us with two options – propane and natural gas. We don’t have natural gas at the property now, but there is a gas line about 400 feet away. Our builder is quoting about $6K to trench the gas line, and the gas company wants about $3K for a “connection fee”. Plus we’ll have a monthly service charge, no matter how much or little gas we use.



Just wondering what other folks who want to be green have done when faced with the desire to have a fireplace?

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  1. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#1


    1. Leon_G||#2

      感谢Armando,如果我能找到一个看起来现实的人,那将是理想的选择。再说一次,我认为燃气壁炉无论如何都不是那么现实(与木材燃烧相比),因此也许电动是一个不错的选择。特别是如果我们可以节省$ 15-20k,而与天然气相比。将进一步研究。

      1. MikeFerro||#9


  2. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3


    A Google Image search for "Screen for propane tank" will give you some ideas.

    1. Leon_G||#6

      马尔科姆(Malcom),感谢您的提示,那里肯定有一些有吸引力的(且有创意的)筛选想法。我打电话给几个丙烷坦克租赁场所,很惊讶地听到虽然租赁成本还不错(250 GAL坦克每年约300美元),但安装和汽油路由约为3K美元。哎哟!

  3. user-5946022||#4

    The advantage of the propane and NG over electric is that it can give you a backup heating source when the power goes out. I looked at this as the cost of a generator and it's maintenance and it's noise vs. the cost of the NG or propane.

    1. Leon_G||#5

      That is a valid point, and definitely needs to be considered. That was one of the arguments that the natural gas provider sales person kept touting, an "unlimited supply of gas for a generator".

      1. 专家成员
        马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#7

        Propane or a gas supply coupled with a generator gives you everything you would have if the power were on. The downside is of course the installation and running expenses aren't cheap.

  4. walta100||#8

    If you decide to go propane, I think owning the tank is a much better option than renting.


    If you rent the tank no other company can legally fill it.

    5 years ago, I bought and had buried a 250 gallon tank for about $900 in a hole I had prepared and lined with sand.

    I failed to ask for a gage so I have no way of knowing how much gas is in my tank.

    借助City Gas是的,您只要系统工作,您就有无限的供应量,但在现场存储中的供应量为零。如果不太可能发生供应中断或地震,您的气体为零。

    It seems like we are using about 15 gallons a year with just a fireplace.


    1. Leon_G||#10



  5. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques||#11

    的骨灰的唯一原因是你吗are opposed to a wood stove? I can't help but contrast that tiny occasional chore against the cost and environmental impact of piping in natural gas or propane. This episode of the BS* + Beer Show might be of interest:玩火:室内燃烧.

  6. PBP1||#12

    Superior生产10,000 BTU丙烷直接通风壁炉,一个20磅的储罐(4.6加仑)的BTU约为420,000 BTU,因此10,000 BTU直接通风壁炉的运行时间为42小时。如果您将两个或三个串在一起,那将是84或126小时 - 对于冬季的氛围而言,这足够了吗?每年的补充一次可能比挖沟更好。10,000个BTU DV壁炉看起来仍然很漂亮,较小的坦克更容易“隐藏”。




  7. Paubomon||#13

    Why are you not considering the option of an electric fireplace? To correctly determine the required power, consider the size of the room. At least 1 kW is needed for 10 square meters if the fireplace is used as a decor. For the living room or bedroom, choose models with a power of about 2 kW. It is enough to maintain a comfortable temperature. You can contact a furniture rental company并租用壁炉,以了解此选项对您有多方便。

  8. maxwell_mcgee||#14

    Have you considered water vapor fireplaces?

    They were recommended to us as we are pursuing a high-performance build (Pretty Good but not Passive House level) and were advised that our house would overheat with a traditional combustion fireplace of any sort.

    We haven't reached the point of deciding on a particular brand of water vapour fireplace, but they look (to us at least) better than traditional electric fireplaces, and many do come with built-in electric resistance space heaters if you want them to generate heat.

    值得谷歌搜索和结帐作为燃烧的替代方法 - 特别是如果您担心室内空气质量。

  9. billfrombirchwood||#15



  10. Leon_G||#16


  11. iainb||#17

    There are also holographic electric fire places. They project a hologram onto a physical set, basically the same fake logs you get in gas fireplaces.


  12. 丹吉斯||#18



    The fuel is a bit pricey but we use so little that it hardly matters.

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