
2. 5.5” Sprayed CC Foam roof.
After reading about different methods and brands, I’m more confused on which system is better. I would like to ask your thoughts from experienced folks. Thanks.
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你的缩写列表下飞机航向”纤维e" has me confused. I'm not sure what you mean by PTO -- perhaps you intended to type "TPO"? TPO refers to thermoplastic polyolefin, which is a type of single-ply roofing membrane. It is not a "fiber type" (which implies some type of insulation).
我在几篇屋顶文章中发现了对Kee的引用 - 杜邦(Dupont)用名为“ Elvaloy Kee”的产品制作了PVC屋顶,屋顶期刊报告说“ ASTM ...已为Kee板屋顶的新标准规范分配了一个数字。“因此,我认为Kee是一种单层屋顶或单层屋顶中使用的添加剂。
I know what PVC is. It's polyvinyl chloride, and PVC is used to make single-ply roofing. It doesn't seem to me that KEE and PVC are "fiber types."
-- 1 inch polyiso above the roof decking and 8 inches open-cell spray foam under the roof decking (about R-35);
- 屋顶甲板上方的5英寸Polyiso(大约R-32);
- 6.5英寸的闭孔喷雾泡沫屋顶 - 大概是在屋顶护套的顶部(大约R-42)。
显然,您需要为这些各种选择定价。最后一个选项提供了最高的R值和解决热桥梁的最佳方法。它还包括屋顶 - 您所需要的只是保护泡沫免受紫外线的涂层 - 因此您可以节省单层膜的成本。
For more information on this topic, seeInsulating Low-Slope Residential Roofs。
All these roofs are about similar price down here, so I’m looking for the best long time performance, less degradation, cracking and maintenance. I’m hoping that someone who’ve used some of these roof types for a while would write about their experiences.
Cost is one thing, but unless the 5.5" of ccSPF is blown with a very-low global warming potential (GWP) agent, it could be doing a world of lifecycle damage to the climate, whereas any polyiso & open cell combination would not. Most 2 & 3lb closed cell is currently blown with HFC245fa, which has ~1000x CO2 GWP. Honeywell & DuPont have both released sub-10x CO2 blowing agents for closed cell polyurethane in recent years/months, but it will take time for those to become widely adopted.
http://www.honeywell-blowingagents.com/?document = environmental-assessment-next-generation-general-blowing-agent-agent-agent-agent-techno-logy-logy-logy-logy-solstice-solstice-solstice-lba-in-ccspf-3&disconload=1
笔记, they didn't run the comparison with foam blown with their HFC245fa variant (trade name Enovate), since the bar-charts would then not even fit on the page, since it has something on the order of 500-800x greater carbon footprint than Solstice blown goods.
polyiso被pentane @ 7x CO2 GWP吹,开放式细胞泡沫被H2O(水)吹动,甚至较低的GWP。您可以将50英寸的Polyiso堆叠起来,并且仍然不在使用HFC245FA吹出的3磅闭孔的生命周期损坏附近。
An inch of polyiso is a bit silly - almost useless as a thermal break against rafters/trusses, and may even be hard to find. Most roofing iso starts at 2" thickness and goes up from there, and you'd want 2 layers with seams overlapped to thermally break against any shifting at the seams. If you did 4" above the roof deck you'd hit about R22 when derated for temperature under hot roofing) above the roof, with double-layered 3" you'd be at R33 (derated). Wintertime and shoulder season performance would be higher. SFAIK no 2lb roofing would hit R32 @ 5", though there are lower density versions suitable for walls that could hit that range. Figure on about R5.8-6 /inch nominal @ 75F average temp through the foam and R5.5/inch when derated for very high or very low outdoor temp.
I would look at EPDM pricing as well. I know it is black but lets compare. Lay a sheet of .045 thick EPDM outside in the sun and it will be there in great shape in 20 years. You could take that same sheet that has been laying there for 20 years and put it on new roof and it will last another 20 years. There is no other roof material that can do that.
房产申诉专员署和PVC玻璃薄板在middle of the sheet and one mfg might brag that their sheet is "x" amount of mills over scrim. The higher the "x" supposedly the better the sheet. Why? The mfgs know the sheet sheet will mil down from exposure, limiting the life of the sheet to 10 to 20 years.
You may be looking at TPO or PVC for its reflectivity. Just remember the white sheet can get very dirty quick and you may be up there cleaning it to keep the reflectance you want and you don't want to be up there with a power washer.
For energy savings you are usually better putting your money in insulation and air sealing, which brings us to foam roofs. The idea behind them are great but they usually don't work like they sound. When the top coating of the roof is penetrated the foam will become compromised. You would need to do monthly inspections to make sure there are no flaws in the coatings. Flaws could include falling tree branches stabbed into the roof or even damage from critters or birds.
For residential work for single ply membranes I would stick with minimum 0.060 thick sheets, no matter what the material you use. My opinion is EPDM is the clear winner as far as maintenance, ease of repair, life cycle cost.
I am not a big fan of real thick insulation above the deck because of the long screws. Just my opinion here but I would think about using 2 staggered layers of 1.5" above the deck. This will keep the screws cost down. (Maybe use 2" but check the pricing, could be a significant jump when figuring in screws)
也许“纤维类型”是“纤维”。“ Fibertite”是一家屋顶制造商,他也称为“ Kee”技术。所有MFG都认为他们的产品是最好的产品,通常您会与已婚的屋顶工/建筑商打交道,如果他们愿意,他们将无法为您提供其他产品或MFG。我会收到几句报价,并检查该产品的住宅保修,因为它可能与广告不同。