我正在翻新位于拉古纳海滩(Laguna Beach)的房屋,并重做屋顶以及大多数房屋的房屋。我对化学物质非常敏感,工程师呼吁以下内容:
1. ply
2. 4” High Density Rigid Insulation Foam
3. CDX纸
4. Mule Hide roof system
I am wondering if you have any suggestions about how to create a gas/vapor barrier so that when the roof heats, I am not exposed to fumes/gasses from the materials. The inside will be finished with 1/2” drywall board.
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请定义:“ m子隐藏屋顶系统”
Why not go with a fully adhered membrane that could reside on polyiso fiber glass faced panels,
I am no expert on the subject, but a poly sheet usually blocks alot of diff. chemicals and gazes.
Every roof needs an air barrier. If your roof is properly constructed, you won't have to worry about vapors flowing downward.
You mention that the lower layer of roof sheathing is "ply" -- which I assume means plywood -- while the upper layer of roof sheathing is "CDX" -- which also means plywood. Are these two different layers both plywood?
If you want your lower layer of plywood to be airtight -- and that's a good strategy -- you should tape the seams of the plywood with a high quality tape like Siga Wigluv.
If airtightness is very important to you -- and it sounds like it is -- you can install a roofing underlayment with taped seams (for example, Solitex Mento, a product that can be purchased from475高性能建筑物供应) directly above the lower layer of taped plywood.
other more knowledgeable on that might chime in ...or your engineer/situation might not agree to that added complexity.
One thing is for sure: you don't want a vented space between the insulation and the interior of the building, or the insulation becomes worthless.
I'm not sure how 4" of any rigid foam meets Title 24 R-value requirements, even in temperate Laguna Beach? A high density polyurethane might come in at R27-ish, whereas IRC 2012 code min for US climate zone 3 is R38. Even though the R27 is continuous, not thermally bridged by rafters, it would need to be R30-ish to hit the same performance level as R38 between joists.
相反,如果您跳过了刚性泡沫并在24英寸O.C. 2x8 afters之间安装了R30岩羊毛,并将箔纸面对的polyiso放在ule子皮下方,它将击中Code Min,您将至少有一个Foile Foil Etherer在您和任何合成聚合物材料之间,以将气体扩散速率限制为几个数量级。然后,这是您多么容易受到木材产品的侵蚀。摇滚羊毛实际上没有任何东西,因为它是在极高的温度下制造的,它可以驱动/燃烧任何挥发性组件。
i meant in between the insulation and the roof finish of course ...
In my opinion, Dana is giving excellent advice using mineral wool.
From the vast research I performed over the last 3 years regarding foam insulation products, chemically sensitive people should not use foam, period.
please Richard share your research info with us!!
ANyone would care to explain the " mule-hide" roofing ?
all i get is a company with the same name selling many different types of roofing materials...
您可能可以在2x8 rafter的场景中使用1.5英寸刚性岩羊毛,而不是在屋顶甲板上方的polyiso,但我不确定这些东西在膜屋顶下会如何“步行”。它将具有很大的优势在那一层中少了,但不会有箔纸面来防止膜屋顶的排放。
Dana's the wizard! Great advice!
Last time i checked, EPS boards under a HD recover ( 0.5" polyiso between 2 FG coatings )
Please enlighten me, as i do not see how the roofing boards could emit anything toward the interior space...