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Unvented Flat Roof with Cellulose

Erinbowman|Posted in一般的问题on


我一直在巴尔的摩划船屋里获得阁楼绝缘的报价,并被告知纤维素不是一个好选择,因为“湿度可以在7年内磨损纤维素”。我的房屋有一个平坦的屋顶和一个很小的阁楼空间 - 隔热材料需要吹入。我处于4A气候区。

Is this assessment of cellulose accurate, or could it likely do fine (even with the type of roof and the region’s climate)?



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  1. 专家成员
    Kohta Ueno||#1

    Can you clarify what the design intent in this roof/attic assembly is? I.e., are you thinking of it as an unvented attic, with a cavity completely filled with cellulose? That is definitely a risky assembly:

    BSI-043:不要致密 - 纤维素和密集包装绝缘


    或者is the intent to create a vented assembly? That can be done with a combination of eave vents, cupolas/doghouses, etc.

    Insulating Low-Slope Residential Roofs
    Unless you’re careful, your low-slope roof can end up with damp sheathing

    这是建筑科学公司校长乔·劳斯布雷克(Joe Lstiburek)的一些建议:“If you have an airtight ceiling, and you have an air gap of at least 6 inches between the top of the insulation and the roof deck, and if you have perimeter air coming in at vents at the soffit or fascia above the insulation, and if you also have ventilation openings near the center of the roof through some kind of cupola or doghouse — not just a whirlybird turbine vent — there is nothing wrong with your roof assembly,” Lstiburek told me recently. “You can build a 2 foot by 2 foot doghouse that sticks up a few feet, and put in some rectangular vents. If the ceiling is airtight, then the makeup air comes from the outside. That’s the least expensive way to do things.”

    Lstiburek continued, “The problem with this type of roof is that it is rarely executed correctly. Usually, architects don’t want to provide any ventilation around the perimeter. Or the architect won’t provide a deep enough truss to get enough insulation. If you just have a few whirlybird vents and a leaky ceiling, the whirlybirds will suck moisture-laden air out of the building and the roof will rot.”


    The owner of a 1920s Baltimore row-house looks for the best insulation strategy

    1. Erinbowman||#2

      非常感谢!我的屋顶是一个“橡胶火炬屋顶”。To my knowledge the roof is unvented... it is a townhome with other homes attached on the right and left. I've attached a few photos here of the attic.

      1. 布莱斯·内斯比特(Bryce Nesbitt)||#3

        How old is the roof? Your other class of options is foam on top, a fire barrier, then a new TPO roof.



        1. Erinbowman||#4

          Construction date is 1922, new roof was put on in 2017 so won't be doing that for a while. I think other folks have insulated, but not with a concern for green building techniques.

      2. 专家成员
        达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#7


        It can be moisture safe to do a hybrid approach with a few inches of closed cell foam directly applied to the underside of the roof deck, with the remainder being cellulose. In zone 4A as long as at least 30% or more of the total R is closed cell foam the cellulose stays pretty dry, and the roof deck is protected. If those rafters are full-dimension 2x10s (true 10" nominal cavity depth) installing 3" of HFO blown closed cell foam (R20-R21) with 7" of cellulose blown in netting (R26-ish) you'd have R46 total, with foam-R ratio of R20/R46= 43%, which is PLENTY of dew point margin. With only 2" of HFO blown foam (R13-R14) and 8" of cellulose (R30) you'd be at about R43, which would be at the bare-minimum ratio of only (R13/R43=) 30%.

        Loose blown foam on the attic floor would fit, but would all but guarantee high moisture content in the roof deck, along with a lot of moisture cycling in the cellulose which causes unusually high and rapid settling compared to how it behaves in a properly vented pitched-roof attic (the "humidity can wear away the cellulose within 7 years” issue the contractor was warning about.)

        Unlike open blown cellulose none of this is cheap. In my neighborhood the 3" of HFO blown foam would run north of $4 per square foot, and 7" dense-packed cellulose in netting is also >2x the cost of the 13-15" of open blown cellulose it would take to hit R49 in a better vented attic. Re-roofing and installing a continuous 6-7" of 2lbs density roofing polyiso (R34-R40) might not be a lot more expensive, and would meet code min on a U-factor basis by not having thermally conductive rafters passing through the insulation layer, and the roof deck would stay dry & rot free, since it would be fully inside the thermal envelope of the building.

    2. Jon R||#5

      Re #1:
      由于扁平屋顶的被动排气通常是不切实际的,因此探索主动通风会很有趣 - 阁楼/通风压力与内部匹配,因此建筑物没有温暖/潮湿的空气泄漏到阁楼中。也许只有在内部和外部露点点和阁楼%rh表明这将是有益的。

      1. 布莱斯·内斯比特(Bryce Nesbitt)||#6



        1. Jon R||#8

          I suppose one could use heat recovery, but air above attic floor insulation is largely unconditioned - so little loss if it is replaced with outside air.



          注意:这与经常受到批评的2000+ CFM驱动阁楼的不相似排气导致负阁楼压力的通风。




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