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frothpak/touch n'foam闭孔喷雾泡沫



We have rim joists to insulate and I’m hoping to do it myself.

FrothPak has a frothpak insulation and a frothpak sealant. They both list rim joists as an option. Does it matter which one I use? I think the sealant is only for penetrations and junctions but the insulation can do double duty.

另外,关于Frothpak与Touch N'Foam有什么建议吗?

同时,环境空气温度上的任何评论required and how much wiggle room there is?

GBA Prime


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  1. Blacksturgeon||#1

    我知道2个组成部分Frothpak是挑剔的。坦克本身必须在施用期间温暖。如果不是,则“ A”储罐和“ B”储罐的相对排放速率可能会改变并产生不良的混合。我看到了很多装有一个空的坦克的套件,而另一个坦克中仍然有大量的材料。这些摇摆不定的空间。您必须非常遵守他们的申请准则,以获得令人满意的结果。

    1. lornec10||#6

      Thanks, John. Any knowledge of the "sealant" vs insulation for Rim Joists?

      1. Blacksturgeon||#8


  2. jonny_h||#2

    我不确定Frothpak密封胶是什么,但是我不久前买了一个隔热套件 - 然后在我使用它之前就害怕自己(在俄亥俄州附近,想要在Frothpak套件上有很多交易?:P)

    仔细阅读说明和MSD。正确的事情很棘手,在建议的应用条件下,我不会假设摇摆不定的空间。确保您有一个带有适当过滤器的真实交易呼吸器(例如,半面或全脸,而不是防尘口罩),良好的手套,理想情况下是全身西服和良好的通风。其中一个基本上是MDI的水罐,正如Wikipedia所说,“通常是常见异氰酸酯的危险,但不是良性的。”关于二异氰酸酯的一件讨厌的小事是,它们是使剂的敏感性 - 有时暴露(甚至是皮肤暴露)会大大提高您对未来暴露和/或基本上引起哮喘的敏感性。哦,吹剂是R-134A,其全球变暖潜力约为1400。

    我记得从应用程序说明中记得,您基本上还需要在开始后立即准备好Gogogo。如果您停止喷涂超过几秒钟,则需要更改枪支上的尖端,因为它会在尖端中设置。您需要确保混合物恰到好处,否则它无法正确治疗(理论上是自动喷洒合适的混合物 - 但这可能取决于应用温度正确!)

    绝对可以安全地做。我已经需要所有PPE,并且有一个值得信赖的朋友,他也拥有所有必要的PPE和尊重安全的朋友。但是,最后,我决定为什么当还有其他方法可以完成我需要做的事情时,会弄乱如此多的风险。不过,我不是要告诉您不要使用它 - 只是不要以与一罐伟大的东西相同的方式看一个2部分的喷雾泡沫套件(顺便说一下,这也是diisocyates-in-a-a- 可以使用良好的通风,它的规模不完全相同,并且不使用高GWP吹式剂)。

    编辑:显然,他们最近将泡沫绝缘材料的配方更改为无GWP / HFC无吹风剂。Glad Dow做出了这一更改!如果您决定使用此版本,请寻找新版本。不过,我对安全的其余问题仍然存在。

    1. lornec10||#5

      Thanks for the reinforcement of a full body tyvek suit! No skin exposed! I don't like messing with things I can't pronounce.

  3. Expert Member



    I recommend some protective equipment. A respirator (a real one with filters, not just a mask) is a good idea, but be sure to use the correct filters for the materials you'll be working with. A full tyvek suit is also a good idea, and you need eye protection.


    1. lornec10||#4


      I will GO GO GO. Good tip on dragging the tanks and their weight.


      Do you have suggestions on the froth pak sealant vs the insulation? I have a question out to the manufacturer but the local store has only sealant.


      1. Expert Member

        A blanket on the tanks is counterproductive. The tanks get cold during use from expelling the material inside. It’s similar to how a can of canned air gets cold when you use it, or how a propane tank gets cold while running your grill. The tanks essentially suck heat from the air around them, and a blanket will reduce that.


        The material isn’t super hazardous, but it’s extra super sticky and you don’t want it to get on anything it should, such as your skin. Imagine a high powered squirt gun filled with super glue. That’s essentially what you need to defend yourself from.


        One last thing: you get the best results when the surface you’re spraying against is above 50F. If the surface is too cold, you can have problems.


    2. Expert Member


      A 300 BF kit weighs about 120 lbs. Unless you can do the whole job without moving the tanks you need to figure out how to move them. I used a 4-wheel cart, like a kids red wagon but bigger. This was also the perfect height for standing on to get into the corners of the rim joists.

      I found it helped a lot to hold a rehearsal before spraying -- walk through the whole job with the nozzle in your hand. This helps you plan a route where you can spray continuously. One of the things I learned in rehearsal was my wagon needed to be backed into the corners .


  4. 疯狂||#7

    > We have rim joists to insulate and I’m hoping to do it myself.




    1. Expert Member

      Yeah, my experience is that the cost per board foot is less with the guy on the truck. The DIY kits only make sense when you have too small of an area to make it worth the guy's while.

  5. mgensler||#12


    I'd also highly recommend heating the tanks in hot water especially if they have the hoses attached. When using a space heater, one of the hoses melted and started leaking on me.

  6. bob7||#13

    Personally, I've used a heating pad in a cooler to keep the tanks warm. You can put the tanks in hours before you want to start, set the pad to medium or low (it depends on the heating pad, of course). Then just move the cooler around....

  7. plumb_bob||#14

    All good advice. I just decided to not use a DYI froth pack!

  8. 奥尔邦加洛||#15

    Why not cut 2" foam board to press fit then go back with canned foam to seal? More work but safer and less consideration for temps and stuff.



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