喷雾泡沫通常需要直接施加到护套的下侧,以确保水分不会直接凝结在护套的下侧。I see no issues with your vented assembly, although I don’t think you gain anything with spray foam there if you already have that 1” polyiso layer taped properly, but for your unvented assembly I would use entirely closed cell spray foam directly against the underside of the roof sheathing. You need enough spray foam to get the proper ratio for your climate zone (lots of info on this here), once you’ve done that you can use whichever type of insulation you choose to fill the rest of the space.
喷雾泡沫通常需要直接施加到护套的下侧,以确保水分不会直接凝结在护套的下侧。I see no issues with your vented assembly, although I don’t think you gain anything with spray foam there if you already have that 1” polyiso layer taped properly, but for your unvented assembly I would use entirely closed cell spray foam directly against the underside of the roof sheathing. You need enough spray foam to get the proper ratio for your climate zone (lots of info on this here), once you’ve done that you can use whichever type of insulation you choose to fill the rest of the space.
Joseph Lstiburek在本文中讨论了许多屋顶装配布,可以帮助通知您的方法:BSI-100:混合组件。