我在我的主屋后面建了一个商店。它不会被加热或冷却。天花板是教堂风格的天花板,2X6的椽子由中心的工程梁和2X6结构的外墙支撑。3.5/12屋顶结构是7/16″osb与30#屋顶纸和瓦。阁楼只有几英寸宽,但现在它们是开着的,所以我可以在商店的每一边放置一个连续的通风口盖。到目前为止,我还没有安装一个脊通风口。我现在想要绝缘和薄板石块内部。我看到很多关于通风、热屋顶等的讨论,这很令人困惑。我住在高沙漠的气候区5区,所以气候不潮湿,但冬天会下雪和结冰。似乎一个选择是简单地使用R19球拍之间的椽子和接近石炭板。 The risk may be undetected water damage should something ever leak. Alternatively, I can install a ridge vent and insulate between the rafters with a 2″ or 3″ polyiso or similar board fixed flush with the lower edge of the rafters thus leaving a plenum that vents each cavity from the soffit to the ridge vent, expensive, but I’m not sure that’s the best option either. There are probably other approaches as well. Any recommendations for achieving a long lasting, dependable roof that will also get me a green tag from the inspector?