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Green air filters

Venkat Y| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Hi All,

I have come to understand that Air Filter media aren’t bio-degradable. I am wondering if there are Green options available. There don’t appear to be washable MERV-13 filters available. I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

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  1. Expert Member

    You could use an electrostatic air filter, which uses electrically charged metal plates to filter dust by electrostatic attraction forces. The filter cartridges for these are washable, often by running them through a dishwasher. If you don’t want to deal with disposable filter media, an electrostatic air filter is probably your best option.


    1. Venkat Y||#2

      Thanks, Bill. I have looked at Electronic air filters, but it looks like there's concern about Ozone generation by these. Not sure how significant the risk of Ozone generated by these is.

      1. Expert Member

        They make a very minimal amount of ozone, not enough to worry about or even notice. I had electrostatic air filters at two previous houses for decades and never had an issue with ozone with either of them. I did find that electrical problems would sometimes damage the power supplies (which I had happen two or three times), so I’d recommend a whole home TVSS unit to help limit the chances of damage.


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