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Had a 50 inch water heater — replacing it with a 59 1/4 inch one

green4757| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Had a 50 inch water heater — replacing it with a 59 1/4 inch one.

Will there be any problems because of height difference? Does the height difference cause any problems with installation?

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  1. Expert Member

    Wouldn't you be in a much better position to answer that than us?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Water heaters are installed in many different places. I've seen them in crawl spaces, closets, and the tiny triangular attics behind kneewalls. Your question is best answered on site, with a tape measure.

  3. charlie_sullivan||#3

    You could try posting a picture of the installation and you might find people here willing to guess from the picture.

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