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6SN7|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

在当地承包商推荐有关Haier热泵的建议,北极下一代系列。我们正在寻找18,000个BTU单元,以冷却40×13英尺的大房间,并将其作为热水底板的备用/补充热量。不熟悉这个品牌,与大玩家(三菱,富士通…)。考虑价值,可靠性,拥有的成本 - 那里的一些不良评论 - 但是想知道2020年当前模型是否有所改善 - 还是所有的晚期模型单元都可以比较?当地承包商声称本地零件仓库。

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  1. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#1



    1. 6SN7||#4


  2. Jon R||#2


    1. 6SN7||#5
  3. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#3


    除非它是一个不阴影的西部,面对着大房间,占地18,000 BTU/HR的玻璃玻璃可能会在520平方英尺的房间中尺寸超大。如果12,000 BTU/HR北极下一代(在AHRI测试条件下的容量为16,500 BTU/HR加热 @ +5F/-15C和13,600 BTU/HR冷却),我会感到惊讶(容量为16,500 BTU/HR加热)无法应付实际载荷:

    The fact that the 1-tonner can also throttle down to 3100 BTU/hr in cooling mode rather than 6500 BTU/hr minimum for the 1.5 tonner means it will run much longer & more comfortable cycles under part load.

    For a quick sanity check on sizing, run a Loadcalc (dot net) estimate of the cooling and heating loads for that room. Even with aggressive assumptions on air tightness and a zero ventilation rate that tool usually oversizes by double-digit percentages, but not 2x. As long as you don't up-size from there it'll usually be OK- even undersizing the equipment by 15% from it's estimated load isn't very risky.

    海尔是中国大型冰箱和家庭应用liance manufacturer, from tiny home refrigerators & freezers to central HVAC. My personal experience with them is limited to a 70 pint standalone room dehumidifier, which failed 20 minutes after the warranty was up, but that doesn't necessarily say much about how their heat pumps would fare. If the installer will stand by the equipment and the warranty terms are reasonable it may be worth a shot.

    Midea (an even larger Chinese company with an even larger range of productsm from coffee makers & blenders to large commercial VRF HVAC systems) seems to have a better track record overall. Midea has been partnered with Toshiba for a couple of decades on refrigeration compressor technology, and has been partnered with Carrier for distribution of some of their smaller room AC & minisplit heat pumps under the Carrier label for over a decade now. It might not be much (if any) of a price premium to go with Midea/Carrier (and other Midea-made nameplates, such as Senville or Pioneer, Mr.Cool,) for a heat pump to serve that room. It's possible that Midea now makes Haier's cold-climate mini-splits too, but I don't know that to be the case.

  4. 6SN7||#6

    谢谢达娜。一篇非常全面的文章。感谢它。您肯定在这里有热情和/或很多经验。我也听说过其他来源的过大尺寸。我将补充说,这个大房间的家庭房部分(13 x 20)确实有一个拱形天花板和两个天窗。用餐区将有一个88英寸的大湾窗户,厨房在宽窗中又有66英寸(我们正在改建这个空间)。我们曾经尝试用10,000个窗户A/C冷却该区域,但实际上它在家庭房中的50英寸电视后面的窗户上没有做太多事情。您对3,100 BTU/HR和每小时6,500 BTU的评论和骑行非常重要。我将从不同的供应商那里获得4-5句话的报价 - 可能是不同的品牌等。他们每个人对尺码和推荐的看法很有趣。 The first contractor, recommending the Haier, said I could go 18K or 24K BTU, but we quickly settled on the 18K of the two choices.



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