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Where to Locate the ERV Intake

Chrisjstelzer.|Posted in机械on


I’m having a heck of a time finding a suitable location for my ERV intake.

Exhaust is not a problem, I’ll be going through the roof.

Intake is another story…

My house is a townhome, built in 2020.


Ducting will supply fresh air to all 3 bedrooms located on the same floor and there will be one exhaust extracting from the central hallway.


The only option I can think of for fresh air supply is some type of soffit vent intake to supply the ERV with fresh air.


In the attic I have rafter baffles near the end of the roof to keep the blown-in insulation in place, while venting the attic.

然而,在椽子挡板后面有2 x木材或“阻塞”。意思是我无法轻易进入我打算把新的空气摄入的平坦的拱门区域。

So my questions to you are:


2. What other options can you think of for a fresh air intake for my ERV?

我真的很损失,我的下一个选择是考虑将通过外墙的Lunos HRV,但是,这些有限的CFMS和我的新建筑Townhome中的VOC非常高,经常高于1,000 ppb。

Thank you!

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  1. 专家成员

    I would duct the intake straight through the wall. If you don't like the looks of exposed ductwork you can wrap it with framing and drywall.


  2. C L||#2

    In a similar situation, I did exactly what you are proposing.
    Used a Panasonic EZ Vent as the soffit intake but removed the white flap damper (the EZ vent is, I suppose, meant to be used for exhaust only). I cut a piece of screen material and inserted that between the exterior grill and the body of the EZ Vent to keep insects out. Even though the EZ vent is rated for 4" duct, it has more si of free area than other 6" soffit systems, so I used it.

    One thing to consider before you go to this trouble is whether totally airing out the house for awhile might solve your VOC issue, and/or trying to identify the specific source of your high VOC's and deal with that in lieu of this ERV. After all, even with an ERV, the VOC's will still be there, you will just be moving them out quicker. Best to try to get rid of them. If it is a particular item, such as flooring, certain trim, etc. it may be better to just replace that.

    1. Chrisjstelzer.||#3




      1. C L||#5

        对不起 - 刚看到这个。

        这款SOFFIT通风口可用于排出4“,5英寸或6” - 您可以快速关闭延伸环,使其适合较大的管道​​。因此,我将4“套环关闭贴合6”厨房排气管。



        I also have the Panasonic EZ vent as my ERV exhaust termination, but my ERV's are ducted with 4" so the EZ vent works perfectly.

        1. Chrisjstelzer.||#6


    2. Qofmiwok.||#4


  3. 专家成员

    One thing to pay attention to is the need to regularly clean the intake of the ERV. They get clogged with cottonwood fluff, pollen, bugs, etc. etc. Being up on the eave of a second story isn't convenient. Not that it makes your problem any easier, but one could consider running the duct down through the second story floor system and out the wall at the rim joist or even below that. On a recent retrofit project where the intake was on the second story we discovered that the screening was completely clogged and the machine had been doing essentially nothing but using electricity for who knows how long. On the other hand, I have a friend who keeps a rechargeable vac near his intake and cleans it fairly often as it was deliberately located near his front door. Just another wrinkle to throw at you...



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