Hardwood flooring question

Have about 3000 sq-ft area that needs to be covered. We would prefer Bazillion Cherry but not sure whether we want pre or on site finish?
Pros: Factory durable finish and the beveled edges which is what we like.
Cons: Shorter/inconsistent plank lengths
On site finish:
Pros: Longer plank lengths
Cons: Finish depends on the installer but might not be as good as pre-finish
What finish (on site or pre-finish) and what time of surface finish (oil or water based) do you guys advice?
Would appreciate any and all feedback?
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Unlike you, I have always hated the look of beveled edges -- a sure sign of prefinished flooring, and a technical compromise need to handle the fact that tongue-and-groove milling is somewhat imprecise, and the fact that traditional on-site sanding is impossible with prefinished flooring.
I have never found a water-based polyurethane that wears as long as oil-based polyurethane. Always buy gloss polyurethane, because satin products are just diluted with additives that give you less polyurethane per gallon. After a few weeks or months, the gloss polyurethane will transition to a satin finish naturally.
If possible, (a) install unfinished flooring, (b) sand and screen after installation, and (c) install at least 4 coats of oil-based gloss polyurethane.
Just my opinion, of course. (Unfortunately, oil-based polyurethane contributes to air pollution, and the product probably isn't available in some urban areas or in California.)
I have used all finishes and products. I just built with prefinished engineered maple that I matched with custom maple stairs I designed and crafted. My stairs are finished with Minwax poly floor finish that is water based acrylic. The finish is bullet proof. I chose the finish for non yellowing needs and low voc's.
As to micro bevels, that is a personal choice which I leave to you. As to short boards, it's a look, and can be attractive or not, again it's a personal thing. Parquet flooring uses pretty short boards, not for me, but it is for some people. Choices, you choose, we build.
After I posted my comments this morning, I realized that the comments deserved clarification.
First of all, I have for several years used water-based polyurethane for everything but floors -- including window stools, doors, baseboard, and interior casing.
Maybe newer formulations of water-based polyurethane deserve a fresh look. It's certainly true that limiting air pollution is a good thing. So I don't want to discourage the use of water-based polyurethanes.
I invite other GBA readers to share their experiences with these products.
Pre-finished floors avoid the damage to the finish which can occur when the floor seasons (shrinks and expands), however that also means you don't have a continuous coating, so spills can penetrate between boards.
The best of the new water-based finishes are really pretty good now. I use Bona Traffic. Wears well and is easy to touch up if damaged.
Thank you all for taking time and helping me out
I have heard and actually have seen, oil based finish giving BC a reddish shade.
This may not be the look you are pursuing, however, a great option if your looking for a green, Zero VOC finish, Rubio Monocoat Oil. This is an plant oil based finish that has a very low to non existent sheen. I used this on our white oak floors. I was pleased with the results as we personally prefer the lack of a shine. The house smelled pleasant afterwards, and we didn't have to worry of any health issues to our two young children. Based on feedback from others the finish is durable and easily repairable in the event of damage.
Also, my Father in Law installed unfinished BC floors in his house. These were finished with Bona Traffic and look stunning. With BC the wood will darken and take on more of a reddish hue as they age and are exposed to UV rays. Personally, comparing the site finished BC to pre-finished he installed in a few bedrooms, I feel that the site finished floor has less of a red hue to them.
If you do go with site finished floor, make sure to have a quality install and finish.
Is Bazillion Cherry the species or the budget?