
我刚刚完成了一本热量负载手册J,cool calc。这是用于三菱超热无管系统的尺寸。如果您认为这种热负载计算有什么问题,谁能发出声音?
Attic最近隔热到R-49,RIM托梁和爬行空间墙最近绝缘为R-15。房子漏水。鼓风机门测试本周进行:3618 CFM(如果我有正确的话,或201 ELA)。进行测试的那个人还拍摄了一楼墙壁的红外图像,并说那里有一些隔热材料,但不多。他最好的猜测是R-5。房屋中的所有窗户,除了在爬网空间中添加一楼的窗户,都是双窗格,低E氩气,.3 U值 - 但它们并不花哨,它们是Lowes的便宜的乙烯基替换窗口。The windows in the addition over the crawl space are ancient, failing single pane windows, but I’m about to replace those with essentially identical vinyl replacements to the ones in the rest of the house, so for the purposes of the Manual J, I inputted all the windows in the house as double pane, low E, .3 U value.
Total House Heating Load, according to Cool Calc: 42,377* btuh
1st floor (1,001 sq ft) Heating Load: 26,972 btuh (63.65%)
2楼(532平方英尺)加热载荷:15,405 BTUH(36.35%)
*For the wall insulation, even though the best guess is R-5, the only choices in Cool Calc were none or R-11, so I put none.
I also did a fuel-use heat load calc using Dana Dorsett’s method in “Out with the old, in with the new”, and I came up with 43,920 btuh whole house load. But importantly:
1)。这是乘以1.4后ASHRAE这样机汇ersizing factor
2.)这也是在此之后乘以.7以说明最近添加的绝缘材料 - 我的猜测是,我们通过将阁楼从R-0绝缘至R-49和地下室RIM托梁来减少总热负荷的30%和从R-0到R-15的爬行空间墙。
我还收到了两名三菱钻石经销商的两个引号,他们的一楼供暖负载均为30,000 BTUH。(其中一个将整个房屋的加热负荷计算为48,000 BTUH。另一个没有提供整个房屋的加热负荷计算。)
If these numbers do look more or less OK I’m going to start sizing the specific indoor and outdoor Mitsubishi units.
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

做了更多的微调以反映R-5壁绝缘(假定)和R-15 RIM托梁绝缘(已安装),并提出了〜35,500 BTUH的整个房屋热负荷。
So I was thinking that one 18,000 btuh Mitsubishi hyper heat unit for the 1st floor and one 12,000 btuh Mitsubishi hyper heat unit for the 2nd floor would suffice. Because:
Downstairs heat load at 13F: 22,500 btuh
Mitsubishi 18K wall mount unit max capacity at 13F: 25,666 btuh
Upstairs heat load at 13F: 13,000 btuh
三菱12K底座的容量为13F:14,200 BTUH
但是我也想知道在平均外部温度下的输出与容量。我所在地区的平均年度环境温度为45F。这个温度显然需要从迷你切片中少得多的输出。那么,微型拆分的产出与其最大容量的最佳比率是多少?迷你拆分产量与其额定容量的最佳比率是多少?最佳意思是,我的意思是能源效率,也是该单元及其部位的长期维护健康。在45F时,12K BTUH和18K BTUH的比率似乎很低,但我不知道这是一件好事:
18K wall mount output/max capacity ratio at 47F: 8927 btuh/30,000 btuh = 29.75%
18K wall mount output/rated capacity ratio at 47F: 8927 btuh/19,000 btuh = 46.98%
12K wall mount output/max capacity ratio at 47F: 5132 btuh/22,800 btuh = 22.5%
12K壁挂式输出/额定容量比47F:5132 BTUH/13,000 BTUH = 39.48%