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HGTV Casting for Remote Builds

JenniferHGTVCasting| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

My name is Jennifer Jordon and I currently casting for a series on HGTV about sustainable new home builds.

If anyone is building or knows of someone who is about to build their dream off grid home, we would love to feature them on HGTV! The series is called Building off the Grid and has been in production for several seasons.

We are looking to feature residential projects from start to finish kicking off anytime in the next month and completing by end of the year or early 2019. (Have some flexibility on timeline)

Ideal candidates have a remote aspect to the property and sustainable elements in design.

Please let me know if you have any ?s or candidates for the show and feel free to pass along this information to anyone who might be interested!


Jennifer Jordon
Senior Producer
Building Off the Grid

[email protected]

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