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Housewrap/strapping with board and batten siding

桃金娘|发布General Questions

Hello. I am thinking about using vertical pine board and batten on the exterior of my new house. This will require horizontal strapping which I initially thought should be placed over the house wrap. I then began to think about where the water will go when (not if) it finds it’s way behind the boards. Does the horizontal strapping impede on the water’s ability to drain down? Will it soak the strapping and eventually cause issues? Maybe I should place the house wrap over the strapping so that the water has a place to go, not interfering with the strapping? Any thoughts? Is there a house wrap/drainage surface that would work best in this application?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    My own opinion is that you shouldn't worry. The small volume of water that gets past your siding will evaporate before it causes any problems.


  2. Mfredericks||#2

    Fine Homebuilding的Project House展示了一种解决方案,该解决方案有点耗时,但可以通过交叉绑带来解决此问题 - 应用WRB,然后垂直绑带,然后是水平绑带,然后是垂直覆层。链接的图像显示了此模式:

  3. 桃金娘||#3

    When you say "notched battens", do you mean notched strapping? My board and batten will be vertical.

    While I have you, have you heard of mold or rot issues with the pine boards that have an air space behind them (this application)? I have been told that I need to prime the back side of the board for moisture protection. Really don't want to do all that labor if it's really not necessary.

    One more thing. The wood I am getting will be green. When putting up the pine boards, what's your suggestion of how much of a gap I should leave? I was thinking 1/8". Batten will obviously cover expansion and contraction of the joint behind it.


  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#4

    I was thinking of your horizontal furring strips. But actually, a batten = a furring strip = strapping. These are just different words for what amounts to a 1x3 or 1x4.

    Here is a photo -- not exactly what I had in mind, but it gives you an idea how these are used by roofers. I couldn't find a photo showing the exact type of batten I'm talking about.


  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5


    If you are installing green boards, you can butt them tightly to each other. They'll shrink. Fasten your battens with a single nail in the middle of the batten, aiming for the crack between the boards. That way your fasteners won't bind the boards (or cause splitting) as the boards shrink. If any of the battens curl, you can come back later with stainless-steel screws and correct the curling.

  6. 桃金娘||#6


  7. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#7

    Trust me -- if you are putting them up green, they will shrink. They won't swell.

  8. peaceonearth||#8

    You could take a skill saw and make shallow cuts on the back of the strapping, for drainage if you are concerned. These could be whacked out in a short time, -eyeballing the distance in between.

  9. wjrobinson||#9

    Back priming is an upgrade choice as is rainscreening.

    3/4" space will be nice critter condo. There are alternatives.

  10. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#10



  11. user-1072251||#11


  12. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#12


  13. 火箭190||#13

    AJ Builder, can u else orate on ways to keep out the bugs/critters from behind the 3/4" air space? I'm considering a similar application of b&b siding.

  14. 火箭190||#14


  15. wjrobinson||#15


  16. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#16


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