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Debra Graff|发布General Questions




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  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1



    If you do get the odd crack at the intersection of wall and ceiling, it's easy to fix with paintable caulk.

  2. Burninate||#2






    1. Expert Member
      Michael Maines||#3

      还有一个想法:将桁架作为正常安装,在桁架底部安装空气屏障和蒸气阻滞剂,然后将服务腔框架下方的服务腔 - 边缘的2x4s为接线和固定装置提供了足够的空间。

      1. Eric Whetzel||#12



  3. Mike Theis||#4

    To answer your question in my opinion , poly if you are using it. Wrap it around the wall ceiling intersection. How big are your trusses ? 30 ft is a lot bigger than 24 ft. 36 ft are big. The longer the bottom chord the more you should worry. You could design your building to have shorter trusses. Trusses are a triangle and if the bottom chord gets shorter than the top chord they start rise. The 1970 is the first time I personally saw this. We quickly learned not to design trusses with a center post. This helped a lot. Maybe only because the bottom chord could bend a bit more in the middle. I think lots of ventilation is the cheapest answer. Keep the top and bottom chord the same moisture content. Lumber does change in length with different dryness. Not much but in a truss to much.

    1. Tyler Keniston||#5


      As a woodworker I've always found truss uplift confusing since we are taught wood doesn't shrink/expands hardly at all along its length. I think this becomes an issue with long spans (certainly much longer than furniture!) and with construction grade wood more likely to have abnormal (compression and juvenile) wood that exhibits increased longitudinal shrinkage.

      如果仅依靠石膏板,除了将紧固件放在靠近墙壁附近的紧固件外,使用某种鳍来捕获天花板干墙并将其紧紧固定在墙壁干墙上可能会有所帮助到顶部板(但不适合天花板) - 或者它们也使夹子和乙烯基角也可以发挥相似的功能)。


  4. Debra Graff||#6

    Thank you for the suggestions. There's a limit to what I can do since the house is mostly framed already. Our trusses are 28 feet long. No center post, as we had them frame the trusses to allow for an elevated walkway running down the center of the trusses. We're finishing the interior wall framing next week.


  5. 马蒂亚斯·瓦尔霍拉(Matthias Varhola)||#7


    HOWEVER---what really made the difference is something Mike mentioned in reply #4: ventilation. Right at the time I did the work I mentioned, I had a new roof installed. Crucially, the old roof had no ridge vent, just gable vents to exhaust the intake from the soffit vents. I had a ridge vent installed with the new roof. Voila, no more truss uplift, as evidenced by the disappearance of the seasonal cracks in all areas, even in the areas I had not removed nails from.


    So yes, good ventilation is vital. And even more so: air sealing the ceiling up against the attic. The devil is in the details.

    1. Debra Graff||#8

      Thanks for sharing your experience. Fortunately, my attic will have excellent ventilation. So, hopefully that will help.

      1. 马蒂亚斯·瓦尔霍拉(Matthias Varhola)||#10


        You are quite welcome. And the air sealing bit is key: much more moisture comes via air leaks as opposed to diffusion through materials. Thorough airselaling plus good ventilation, and you likely won't have a problem. Good luck!

        1. Expert Member
          马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#11

          Exactly. The small things you need to do to mitigate truss uplift - clips, keeping fasteners back from wall/ceiling intersections - assume it will be a minor problem. If they are not effective, something much bigger is in play and needs to be addressed.

  6. 乔尔·辛利(Joel Cheely)||#9

    I'd have no problem leaving 18" to first screw in 42" wide hall. The ceiling board is installed first, hopefully within 1/4" or so of the walls. Then wallboard is pushed up tight to the ceiling (top course first). Once that joint is taped and mudded, it's not going anywhere.

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