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约翰·塞克斯顿|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

So you guys have answered numerous questions about humidity for me during the summer. I have a 20 year old two story house that we bought this year and promptly bought two new HVAC 5 ton units and put open cell foam in the attic and encapsulated and foamed the crawlspace. The attic has a couple of supply vents and the crawl has four supply vents and a return. My question is about the low humidity I am now getting now that it is finally getting cold in Nashville. My hygrometers tell me that I am now dipping into the high 20s on the main level of my house, into the high 30s in the attic, and low to mid 40s for the crawl. The crawl is nice, but high 20s for my first floor living area is worrisome. I don’t want to increase my likelihood of sickness or wood splitting. Any suggestions?thanks!

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  1. dorsett.||#1


    人类舒适与健康的低端约为30%RH @ 68F,尽管大多数人仍处于25%的罚款。低于25%的嘴唇,分裂钉子和干燥喉咙刺激变为舒适因素。


    Ten tons of cooling load implies a pretty gia-normous house, is this a 12-15,000' mansion suitable for a C & W star's extended family or something?

  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A格鲁吉亚||#2

    Allison Bailey just posted an article on this topic (。根据他的指导,您的数字听起来非常接近最佳(尽管我想知道您是否应该关闭一个或两个阁楼用品)。也许其他成员将会颂扬。


    This would be a good time to see if you can improve your air sealing. See和侧边栏中的多个链接。空气渗透肯定增加了控制室内湿度的挑战。

    If you are actively ventilating, you also might need to reduce the volume of incoming air to keep humidity levels where you want them. Of course, that's a balancing act since you need a certain amount of ventilation to maintain a healthy indoor environment.

  3. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#3

    这里有几个红旗,因为达娜和史蒂夫已经指出。两个5吨的单位是第一个红旗。这些巨大的冷却装置最可能的解释是,您的HVAC承包商冻结了手册J计算(或者未能执行手册J计算) - 但它也是可能的,因为达纳建议,你有一个巨大的豪宅。


    Finally, your indoor humidity levels are, indeed, unusually low, indicating that either (a) your ventilation system (if you have one) is overventilating, or (b) your house has a very leaky thermal envelope. If you have the latter problem, the solution is blower-door-directed air sealing work.

  4. 约翰·塞克斯顿||#4

    多谢你们。我会尽快阅读这些文章。是的,我绝对没有一个豪宅,但这两个层面约有6400平方英尺,有很多批量的天花板。我不得不争辩,直到我的蓝色是蓝色,即使是每个级别的五吨就足够了,我在这里有了承包商,包括从能源先锋队的链接中找到的Resmed / BPI承包商。但在任何情况下,这就是我现在所拥有的,所以我将不得不充分利用它。我怀疑你是对的,我需要做一个血液测试,看看泄漏可能来自哪里。我如何找到一个信誉良好的本地人要这样做?它很有趣,你会认为这会导致夏季的高湿度,当时我的湿度只有约45%。右,这是33%,夏天在主要生活区近45岁住了。

  5. 约翰·塞克斯顿||#5


  6. Steve Knapp CZ 3A格鲁吉亚||#6

    John. You should hire a new RESNET rater. Maybe the first rater was correct, and you need 10 tons for 6,400 square feet. But I would want a new Manual J to confirm that number.

  7. Jon R||#7





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