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Cherylann Schieber|发布GBA Pro帮助

Hi. I haven’t been here for a while because I thought I had found the solution to my crawlspace problem but alas I haven’t. I had been dehumidifying the crawlspace at our beach house with a high capacity Santa Fe dehumidifier which unfortunately got destroyed when the crawlspace was flooded during Superstorm Sandy. Rather that buy a new one, I had a vapor barrier installed, replaced the open vents with insulated smart vents and had the underfloor of the house covered in 2-3″ of closed cell spray foam.

Now that the weather is hot and humid again, the crawl space smells horrible (like cat urine which is probably some kind of hydrolysis product from the spray foam….there are no cats down there!). Even though the duct work to the HVAC system is embedded in the foam, the smell does manage to enter the house is some places. Not only is that unpleasant, but having such a humid crawlspace just seems like a bad idea. So what I’d like to know is how best to remedy the situation. I could

1. Install an exhaust fan that pulls make up air from the house; downside fan has to run 24/7
3. Create a new HVAC zone and heat and cool the space. I don’t want to mix air between the house and the crawlspace so it would need it’s own unit; most expensive option


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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    谢丽尔·安(Cheryl Ann),
    您真的不希望您的爬网空间有任何通风孔 - 甚至所谓的“智能”通风口。要了解有关您需要采取的步骤的更多信息,请先阅读本文:Building an Unvented Crawl Space.

  2. 埃里克·哈贝格(Eric Habegger)||#2

    I think Martin's advice is really good and is the usual answer to a damp crawlspace in humid southern locations. The smell of cat urine from the foam, if that is what it is, complicates things. To have a sealed crawl space requires a space that has conditioned air by code. This is usually done with some sort of connection to house air so that the house and crawl space act as one dry conditioned space.


    I hope the smell is coming from dampness because otherwise it becomes a complicated problem that I'm not sure there would be an easy (read cheap) solution to.

  3. Cherylann Schieber||#3

    Thank you Martin and Eric. Yes, no vents would be ideal and I have read that article very carefully however this is a beach house in a town that requires storm vents. We are not allowed to have a totally sealed crawlspace. And Eric, you may be right that the dampness alone is causing the smell. We had the same problem with the fiberglass insulation before we foamed and I had assumed it was hydrolysis of the glue. In any case, dehumidification took care of the smell back then.

    So, recognizing that I can't totally seal the space (the smart vents are solid not louvered and they are insulated), and I don't want to mix the air between the crawlspace and the living space what do you think my options are? Thanks again!

  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4

    谢丽尔·安(Cheryl Ann),

    “选项1要求“每50平方英尺的爬网空间面积等于1 cfm的速度连续操作机械排气通风”。换句话说,在爬行空间中安装排气风扇,该排气风扇通过轮辋托梁或外墙的孔吹来;确保风扇不太强大。楼上的房屋;由于这种条件的空气比室外空气干燥,因此不会导致凝结问题。)

  5. 埃里克·哈贝格(Eric Habegger)||#5

    Not that it's important, but I concur with Martin as long as you're sure it's only a dampness problem and not a result of an incorrect installation of the foam. (It happens, though rarely)

  6. Cherylann Schieber||#6


    I have leaned so much from this website and Building Science it makes me want to build a new house just to do it the right way!!! All this retro work is tedious and expensive! I don't understand why more builders don't educate themselves and build sounder, greener homes.

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