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Another crawl space…

Rob Shuman|发布了能源效率和耐用性

I would like to improve upon the poly vapor barrier that exists on the dirt floor of my crawlspace. I have read“爬虫文章”由马丁借鉴but have some specific questions.

First, a description of my situation. A full basement under the ell of the house leads to the crawlspace under the main house, which is accessible via a ‘basement window’ (the frame of the window exists, the window does not). Roughly 3 and half walls of the crawlspace lie on the outside of the main house (the remaining wall falls under the junction of the ell and main house). The ‘exterior’ walls of the crawlspace are granite blocks which have been sprayed with closed cell foam, the rim joists have been sprayed as well. The remaining portion of the crawlspace wall consists of a cement ‘hallway’ between the basement and the crawlspace access point and a rubble wall. In general, there is no foam on these interior walls.

3.) The edges of the poly sheets were not taped where they overlap. What is a good tape to use for this purpose? In the crawlspace article I read it indicates using a compatible tape or mastic. What, specifically, would be considered compatible with poly?
6.) Given the configuration of the crawlspace relative to the basement, what might be the best way to incorporate an exhaust fan? There are 2 basement windows along the exterior walls of the crawlspace and 3 in the full basement. Should I incorporate a fan into one of the crawlspace windows and replace the window between the basement and crawlspace to (sort of) isolate the crawlspace (the rubble wall is hardly airtight) or something else?
7.) Looking on the internet, most of the exhaust fans I see move air at much higher rates than needed for the crawlspace (estimated at ~20 cfm for the ~900 sq ft crawlspace). Any ideas who might make more suitably sized fans?


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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1


    Putting a new layer over the old layer does not cause any problems.


  2. GBA Editor

    Q。"The edges of the poly sheets were not taped where they overlap. What is a good tape to use for this purpose?"

    答:这是一个关于讨论聚乙烯上磁带性能的文章的链接:Return to the Backyard Tape Test。在我测试的胶带中,聚乙烯的四个最佳胶带是Polyken Shadowlastic,Siga Wigluv,Siga SiCrall和Pro Clima Tescon No.1。

    Q。"The poly has some small holes in it in some of the more traveled portions of the crawlspace. Will the relatively small number of defects seriously undermine the performance of the barrier?"

    A. No, but you can tape them if you want.

    Q。“如果我是安装新的poly, would it be unwise to install the new material over the old?"

    A. No.



  3. Rob Shuman||#3

    嗨达娜,马丁 -

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I will research the tapes and work to minimize gaps around the edges.


  4. Rob Shuman||#4

    马丁 -

    A follow-up to our prior discussion. I noticed suitable substrates for Siga Sicrall include hard surfaces (e.g., wood, gypsum fibreboard, plasterboard); I have not yet looked for substrate specs for the other tapes. Do you have any insight into, or opinions about, how tapes such as those you tested would work on an uneven dirt floor in a crawlspace? I suspect the ability to effectively adhere the tape may not be as good as it was when you placed your tape samples.


  5. GBA Editor


    Siga Sicrall is an excellent tape. If you wipe the polyethylene seam with a rag or a paper towel, so that it isn't dusty, the Siga Sicrall will stick fine. Press it with your hands so that the poly is pushed against the dirt below when you install it, and stop worrying.

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