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Condensation in the Attic

伊桑·博雷(Ethan Borle)|发布General Questions

Hello Green Building Advisor Professionals,


我们刚刚从一个冷的快照中出来,平均每日温度低至-20°F(-28°C)大约两个星期。在周一,他们注意到水从天花板中流出,过去几天的温度迅速上升至平均温度 +40°F(4°C)。



With the building’s age and the hodge-podge of renovations and additions onto it, the roof structure and attic space are bizarre. I would describe the roof as a sort of Mansard style. But that does not quite get it right. It is more like a hip roof with its top cut off and replaced with a flat roof. The sides are 6/12; the top flat portion is close to a square, so all the sloped pieces are relatively equal. At the front of the house, there is a dormer that extends over a covered porch. This is where the water was noticed, luckily not inside on drywall.


在roreof之前,屋顶顶部附近有四个阁楼通风孔(Duraflo 6050)。它们位于屋顶平坦部分下方的倾斜表面上。由于屋檐不向阁楼空间开放,因此没有进气通风。根据制造商的说明,我们在屋顶的底部和顶部三分之一的三分之一中使用了线性通风孔,以实现我们的50/50摄入量与排气率。我们的进气口之一位于问题发生的窗户中。我们还提高了通风的无净面积,以符合我们的本地代码。(在某些条件下,绝缘天花板区域的1/300或绝缘天花板区域的1/150)。据我所知,这些比率并不基于任何特定的科学。

The homeowner informed me that their thermostat was reading humidity levels of about 30% and lower during the cold snap. They got a small humidifier to help with interior comfort but did not run it long. Only as much to bump up the humidity by about 5% or so. They are new owners; this is their first full winter in the house, so cannot say if the problem has occurred before.

关于half of the interior ceiling was redone before reroofing. Hopefully, sealing was done properly around the perimeter, at seams, and penetrations for lights, etc. The other half of the ceiling has no vapour barrier and likely no extra sealing around penetrations. The access to the attic is not mechanically held in place, and there is no gasket for it to seal against.

I’m convinced the issue was condensation in the attic. It’s a widespread problem with the dramatic temperature swings we experience. But what is my best bet to address it?

Many companies in the area would throw in more ventilation, but according to some articles I’ve read here, additional ventilation is not always the answer. I’m a little worried the shape of the dormer in relation to the rest of the roof might be creating a dead air space where moisture can’t easily escape. (I moved the batts blocking it up to encourage more airflow between the two attic spaces.)

Should I suggest focusing on sealing between the conditioned living space and the unconditioned attic? Sealing penetrations, putting in a gasket at the attic access, etc.


Or will it be some combination of all three, additional ventilation, sealing, and insulation?

I want to come back to the homeowner with a potential solution that is well thought out, rather than swinging wildly and hope I hit something that works.

Thank you all for your time. I will appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may be able to offer me.


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  1. Expert Member

    我会同时做 - 空气密封和通风。皮带和吊带。首先使用空气密封进行所有“通常的嫌疑犯”:嵌入式灯,电线/管道穿透等。不要忘记检查阁楼访问舱口在关闭时是否也很好。确保没有浴室的排气风扇进入阁楼空间。

    After that, make sure you have soffit AND ridge vents. It looks like you don't have ridge vents in those pics? Or maybe you have the "shingles over foam strip" type ridge vent (those don't work very well and shouldn't be used).



    1. 伊桑·博雷(Ethan Borle)||#2


      We used the Lomanco Deck-Air Vent in the Off-Roof Edge installation type since the eaves are not open to the attic and the "ridge" is atypical as it ties into a flat roof rather than an opposing sloped roof.


      I've been talking to a local company that does building performance consulting and would like to get them to come out to the site if the customer agrees. They'll use thermal imaging and a blower door test to determine the location of any leaks and also be able to determine if there is a pressure differential between the interior and the attic space that is helping to drive the heat and moisture into the unconditioned space. This is getting to the more scientific and site-specific response that I would like to develop for these types of situations.

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