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约翰罗苏|发布了General Questions


我正在完成我的地下室,并在Martin Holladay贡献的精美房屋网站上遇到了这篇文章(并且这对我来说是一个新的概念,但似乎是我需要的): -keep-basemense-dry.aspx?nterms=62152


To me this seems the ideal solution for several reasons. My 1920’s home (Zone 5 – Des Moines, IA) stays fairly dry, it has 2′ overhangs with existing gutters but no footing drains or sump pump (interior or exterior) to remove any water build-up.

That said, there are signs of moisture in the parge coat on the inside. And although it’s rare, the floor has gotten wet a few time when we have had heavy rains in the last 6 yrs here. I like the idea of a passive shedding away of water vs. sump pumps if it’s effective.

I’d also like to note that when cleaning out the old coal room to level up the floor with the rest of the basement, I discovered that the Clay Tile foundation block sits right on the clay soil without footings. I figure this could make putting in a footing drain trickier as it could weaken the support for the walls if I don’t install a footing first (not a fun project).

Keeping water out at the surface seems the best strategy. But I just finished digging out my garage basement by hand and as much as I love my shovel, would like to know if there’s any reason not to install the plastic at grade and add 4-5″ of landscape rock on top instead of burying the plastic down 1 foot?

So now the question to the community, what are the flexible points in this design? And what are the flaws or catches if any when doing this type of water management?

Front.jpg is the front showing the driveway side which is sloped well away from the home, and the front with new concrete.


GBA Prime




  1. GBA Editor

    一般来说,你不希望在你家附近的高品位。应该至少8英寸 - 更好 - 在房子的等级和最低的木制部件之间更好。因此,在大多数情况下,您不希望通过在土壤顶部添加材料来提高等级。







  2. 詹姆斯摩根||#2


  3. 约翰克林尔||#3

    不要太多分歧,但我从来没有理解为什么这么多建筑师似乎使用了2',或更少,悬垂。我用3',我想知道在新房里有4',但这可能看起来很奇怪。三脚悬垂和一条沟渠,衬里,黑色溃烂,填充了W /岩石,工作很好,至少用于我们得到的雨量。排水沟是一个皮塔饼。

  4. 约翰罗苏||#4


    Thanks for the additional links I didn't find. I'm going through them now. I should have no problem keeping >8" all around, and if needed I could dig down.

    I am a little concerned that by adding this water barrier I would possibly be trapping moisture below it so I'd have to do it during a dry spell. Now the ground is not wet, but a little moist. We see ~36" precip/yr avg with some very heavy downpours, but it's been rather dry this last 6 months.

    James: I would certainly keep the existing roof gutters. The front porch gutter is now tied into the 3" schedule 40 pvc pipe and discharged 12+ feet from the foundation. I had to install some fine filters on the top of the gutter to keep the needles from 2 Norway Spruces and a Cedar out of the water. I am also planning on using the pipe circled in red in the photo for the 'ground gutter' evacuation route under the walkway slab.

    My concerns with this whole thing are stuff like making a cesspool up next to the house if water doesn't evacuate b/c of some blockage, then the spruce needles and other organic matter finding its way into it. This could smell bad possibly causing mold or a mosquito breeding ground.

    Also the concerns from Alan here://
    The EPDM trench liner is a seductive mistake lots of guys make: don't do it. I have seen several of these systems quickly fail even though carefully installed. Use filter fabric instead to prevent the drift of detritus into your clear gravel. The problem is the EPDM can lock out any "renegade rainfall" that misses the planned access from above. Any accidental (as in you didn't know it was there) underground water will also be locked out of the trench and can pressurize against the basement wall, leaking where there was no leak before the ground gutter.

    But, honestly it probably would work fine and keep all the water away without problems, but its a new concept to me and I've never seen it done well or otherwise, which is why I'm posting :-).

    John K:我同意突出问题,更大更好。我在MT的叔叔家里看到了4'突出了,我必须在今年夏天去那里旅行,以便在他说他只使用电动墙(不是​​底板)加热器加热150-00美元/年后,为自己看。但他的位置是另一个故事。这是一个悬垂的照片。

  5. 约翰罗苏||#5

    I know this is a 'very old' post, but I just wanted to update the thread with photos of the progress. I appreciated all the comments and ideas and I'm happy with how it turned out so far.

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