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etting|发布General Questions

我在温暖的沙漠中,通风的爬网空间可以工作。我将用2英寸Polyiso和Polyiso和泡沫密封并绝缘地板托梁的底面。在五个2英寸和一根3英寸的排水管周围,将4'x 8'板的4'x 8'板掉落到地板托梁上的最佳方法是什么?我可以在Polyiso中切下孔,然后将管道固定在任何东西上,但是我宁愿在其他所有操作完成后放大大片,以免它们阻碍。想到的另一个选择是在最近的托梁上切一张床单,将一个插槽切入管道上,然后将大部分插槽粘在管道上,然后将其切成薄片的切割边缘钉在托梁上。如果管道在整张床单的边缘附近掉落在附近,但我无法做到这一点,这会更容易,部分原因是管道在与茎墙不同的距离上下降。这似乎是一个相当普遍的问题。通常如何处理?

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  1. Expert Member

    If all the pipes are in the same general area, I'd leave a square/rectangular cut-out in the full panel in the general area of the pipes. Run the pipes, then fill the square/rectangular hole.

    If you keep all the pipes in a straight line, you can do what I like to do: Cut oversize clearance holes in the polyiso panel that will fill that square/rectangular hole for each pipe, then cut the panel in a straight line through the center of all of those holes. This leaves two pieces with a common edge that has "half holes" for each pipe. You can now easily install these two pieces around the pipes and fill the gaps in the oversized holes with canned foam. Seal the edge of the square/rectangular panel to the main sheet of polyiso using either canned foam or tape to complete your air seal.


  2. etting||#2


  3. Expert Member

    Then you're going to have a lot of cutting to do :-)



  4. etting||#4

    谢谢,比尔。It makes sense to cut holes a little big, within the expansion limit of foam. If others chime in, it will be interesting to see whether they cut holes, slots, squares, or something else. I was surprised I couldn't find this problem discussed anywhere.

    1. Expert Member


      I'd vote for getting the plumbing drops roughed-in to just below the bottom of the joists, then installing the foam. If you do the whole rough-in first there will be metal support straps running from the lateral runs up to the joists, making it very difficult to fit the sheets.


      1. Expert Member
        NICK KEENAN||#10

        正如查克·贝里(Chuck Berry)对基思·理查兹(Keith Richards)所说的那样,如果您要这样做,那么您最好做到这一点。


        1. etting||#11

          Thank you. Yes, rodents would ruin the air sealing before causing all kinds of further problems, but my concrete stem wall is well sealed. It has a tight steel door, the vents are covered with heavy steel mesh, and if any rodents were to dig down along the wall, they'd run into the protruding footing. Apparently, it doesn't occur to them to move away from a wall to get around a horizontal barrier.

  5. etting||#6

    Thank you, Malcolm. I dreaded the idea of trying to install polyiso around straps, but I was thinking I could avoid them because the building drain will rest upon the crawlspace floor, built up and dug down as needed underneath, but now that you mention it, I should check code on which of the short horizontal legs between the bottoms of the joists and the building drain require straps. I assume from your suggestion that if I need straps, I could secure them with nails or screws that go through the polyiso into the joists; that would be MUCH easier. I have to seal the polyiso and around any penetrations to keep cold air from reaching the floor joists and subfloor.

    1. Expert Member


      Unfortunately it was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. It takes an exorbitant amount of time, and yields disappointing results, trying to do a decent job with all the obstructions.

      I use deck screws through the foam to secure the strapping. It allows you to make adjustments.

      1. Expert Member

        If doing this with the usual plastic tape-like strap, I like to fold the ends over where the fastener goes through, with the folded piece under the main piece so that it acts like a washer. This is an easy way to reinforce the ends of the strap a bit. If you're using the metal strapping it doesn't really matter.

        BTW, I would install the straps after the foam too. I'd mark the foam with a sharpie marker as you put it up though, marking all the joist locations. This makes it really easy to know where to put in the screws for any supports afterwards, and you can do it quickly by eye while you're putting the foam up.


  6. etting||#9


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