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Insulating 1850s log house being attached to 1860s brick house

Paul_iowa|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I’m in the process of reconstructing an 1850s oak log house onto my early 1860s greek revival brick house in northeast Iowa. The building is being reconstructed onto the foundation of a portion of the brick house I took apart due to severe structural issues. Complicated, I know. The foundation of the brick part I disassembled and am rebuilding the log house onto has a basement under it. I did add a 5′ U shaped concrete extension to acheive the full 29′ of the new-old log building. The log building was 15″ narrower than the existing foundation, which left me with roughly an 8″ ledge on both the long ends of the log building. The old stone foundation was was roughly 2′ wide, which gave me plenty of room to build the new floor, log walls and new 2×4 walls onto. The new U shaped concrete pour extends 6″ beyond the ends of the logs on the gable end of the building. I studded up 2×4 walls on top of the 8″ foundation ledge and plan to insulate the cavity.

外部的塑料是暂时的 - 仅足以防止雪吹过这个冬天。

The front facade will be brick veneered with brick from the portion I took apart. The other two sides will be sided with smooth LP Smartside clapboard siding.




新的原木部分以及现有的砖房的二楼将使用36k Fujitsu XLTH 3区热泵加热。原木建筑物的一楼将有一个12k楼层的单元,楼上的12k楼层单元,以及现有砖块的公共区域中的15k壁挂装置。我用Jotul F3加热砖房的一楼,并有一个全新的天然气炉作为备用。


Does the wall profile seem ok? Beyond the spray foam between the log courses, there really isn’t an interior vapor barrier.

Should I be concerned about the cellulose near the bottoms of the walls? When I studded up the walls (that all hang out and away from the log walls), I used treated plates that cover the entire top of the foundation. So the cellulose shouldn’t be in contact with the top of the foundation. Should the bottom few inches of the cavity on top of the plates be sprayed with closed cell foam?


Other concerns?


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  1. 基思·古斯塔夫森(Keith Gustafson)||#1


    Buy extra nozzles

    计划你的工作,给三角ger a pull every once in a while to minimize nozzle changes

  2. 专家成员

    I agree with Keith, one of the two part spray foam kits (they look a little like two BBQ tanks and a hose assembly going to a spray gun) might be a good fit here if you don’t have to wait too long between sprays. You can get extra tips, which are the part that clogs up if you want too long between sprays. I’d probably get the middle size kit though, the 200 board foot one. The 600 is probably going to be bigger than you need, but the 120 might be too small.

    如果您不想使用两部分的套件,至少要购买使用更大的“ Pro”罐的好东西“ Pro”枪。这把枪大约为40美元,可让您在长达30天的时间内使用一罐很棒的东西。较大的伟大物品专业罐的泡沫量也更便宜。





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