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GBA Prime


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1



  2. Robert Riversong||#2


    您没有指出自己在哪里 - 您在哪个气候区域。



  3. Robert Riversong||#3

    This is mostly for Martin (and anyone else who advocates unvented cathedral ceilings).

    我刚刚在《 ASTM杂志》中遇到了一篇最近发表的文章,“紧凑的沥青瓦屋顶系统:应该发泄吗?”。


    Our study showed better durability of vented roof assemblies with permeable insulation in cold climates due to redundancies that can tolerate incidental moisture and provide visual indicators of roof leakage; roof sheathing typically dries in 1-1/2 to 2 months. All of the unvented roof assemblies are intolerant of incidental water leakage and the moisture-sensitive layers (i.e., sheathing and gypsum wallboard (for open-cell polyurethane insulation)) exceed the threshold for decay. In hot, humid climates, the most durable roof assemblies are the vented, open-cell polyurethane systems with shorter drying time of the interior gypsum wallboard when compared to the unvented roof assembly; both the sheathing and gypsum wallboard dry out within 2-1/2 months. In an unvented assembly, the drying time for sheathing is similar but the drying time for gypsum wallboard increases to 6.5 months on average. Alternatively, unvented permeable shingled roofs are a viable option in hot, humid climates, although they are slightly less durable. The least tolerant roof assemblies in either climate are the unvented closed-cell polyurethane roof assembly due to trapped moisture and slow drying of the roof sheathing (up to 12 months in Miami, FL and 27 months in Boston, MA).

  4. Derek Vander Hoop||#4

    如果我建立一个教堂的屋顶,我将reluctant to use cellulose because when it gets wet, I would guess it takes a fair amount of time to dry out, even in a vented roof. In an unvented roof, with Visquine at the bottom and the sheathing at the top, it would take even longer. Secondly, cellulose can settle when it gets saturated., how much depends on how dense it was to begin with. How does that affect R-Value? In a pitched cathedral roof, does the cellulose not only settle, but slide just a little bit down along the visquine vapor barrier below (in a cold climate), causing a cold spot in the assembly? If so, how do you repair it short of opening up the roof to see just how much or if the insulation is compromised?
    除了大教堂天花板外,我是几乎每个组件的闭合细胞喷雾材料的拥护者。几年前,我进行了一项测试,并在一个平方英尺的X 4英寸厚的冰河(开放式电池)中挖掘了一个小凹陷,还有我办公室中的Corbond(闭孔)之一,并充满了水。在第二天或两天,水渗透到了冰河的4英寸,但科比德不透水。如果我承认所有屋顶最终都会泄漏(并且都这样做),那么如果将屋顶泄漏,则最终将其泄漏到下方的粘膜下,并在第一个螺钉或指甲遇到的丑陋头部抬起。当房主看到这二十,三十或四十年的时间时,他在屋顶屋里打电话,然后才会发生任何重大腐烂。冰河的优势在于它会干燥而不会受到损害。它不会安顿下来,不会腐烂,也不会移动。
    Regarding ventilation, everything I have read indicates that ventilating a cathedral roof is the way to go. It cuts down on the slight amount of heat conducted to the conditioned space below, dries out/ventilates the underside of the sheathing above and the fiberglas, cellulose or Icynene below, and lengthens the service life of the shingles.

  5. 玛丽拉||#5

    Thanks everybody for the very helpful answers. We have decided to go with Icynene. We live in Boston and therefore the study cited is very relevant to us!
    Thanks again,

  6. Robert Riversong||#6

    玛丽拉(Mariela),I hope you also decided to ventilate the roof and air-seal it very well on the interior.




  7. Derek Vander Hoop||#7


    The state of Wisconsin requires a vapor barrier, typically visquine, on inside wall surfaces for all insulations, except for closed cell foams, like Corbond. (Some building inspection departments will allow me to use a vapor barrier primer if I provide a receipt for quantity of primer purchased, a label stating the product is a vapor barrier, and an affidavit from the drywall contractor spraying the primer that he did use the product in question, but this doesn't address your concern that Icynene and cellulose shouldn't have a vapor barrier)


    I recognize that cellulose can safely hold a fair amount of moisture and safely release it, but are you not concerned that in some applications, water will condense of the inside of the exterior sheathing or if the moisture percentage is high enough, freeze at some point in the wall cavity? Sure, the cellulose gradually releases the moisture back into the building, but that doesn't do me any good if I have condensation worries during our winters? It makes sense to me to reduce vapor drive into the wall cavity, but I'll admit that a properly constructed wall will go a long way towards reducing the problem.


  8. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#8


    在紧急情况下,建造者被顽固而受过受过教育的建筑物检查员逼入角落,可以求助于膜的安装 - 一种昂贵的解决方案,但有时比将头击中砖墙更容易。



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