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杰弗里·瓦特(Jeffrey Watt)|发布General Questions


这所房子没有拱形通风口,在过去的150年中,如果没有它们,似乎相处得很好。如图所示,有4个小通风口,在房屋的两端有2个。I’d like to be able to just blow insulation down the eaves fill the wall cavity and then just keep filling till full then do the floor but this goes against most conventional wisdom on airflow, but most of this is based newer construction methods and on having soffit vents…

The attic space is minimal about 32’x14, and maybe 7 feet at the peak. The roof is trussed with 2×4 construction and with nails coming down from the roof and very little space to work in Im not sure how I would get some sort of air space baffle in there at all. Any tips ideas? Oh its a brand new standing seam metal roof at about a 11:12 pitch I’m not too concerned about ice dams even with the old galvanized roof it shed the snow just fine. I have attached some pictures of the attic, the eave space one of the upstairs rooms (mid restoration) and a couple outdoor pictures.

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  1. 杰弗里·瓦特(Jeffrey Watt)||#1

    The rest of the pictures...

  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    Too bad there is a new roof. The best way to insulate these old Capes is with rigid foam above the roof sheathing, so whoever made the decision to install a new standing-seam roof without installing rigid foam lost a golden opportunity -- an opportunity that won't return for about 70 years, when the roofing finally wears out.

    You've got some headaches. Hurdle number one is the vermiculite. You have to assume that it contains asbestos. Stay out of the attic. Don't disturb the vermiculite in any way. You can't do any air sealing or insulation work until you've paid for an asbestos abatement contractor to remove the vermiculite. Bummer.

    For information on the various options you have for insulating the sloped ceiling, seeHow to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling。有关绝缘膝盖的信息,请参阅Two ways to insulate attic kneewalls

  3. 约翰·罗克韦尔||#3


  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4

    Here arerecommendations from the Environmental Protection Agency:

    "A mine near Libby, Montana, was the source of over 70 percent of all vermiculite sold in the United States from 1919 to 1990. There was also a deposit of asbestos at that mine, so the vermiculite from Libby was contaminated with asbestos. Vermiculite from Libby was used in the majority of vermiculite insulation in the United States and was often sold under the brand name Zonolite. If you have vermiculite insulation in your home, you should assume this material may be contaminated with asbestos and be aware of steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from exposure to asbestos. ...

    “您应该假设Vermiculite绝缘材料来自Libby,并将材料视为含有石棉的材料,即不打扰它或使用训练有素的专业人员(如果需要去除)。由于Libby Mine估计是70%以上的来源。在1919年至1990年在美国出售的所有ver虫中,来自利比的Vermiculite被石棉污染了,采取适当的预防措施并不需要进一步的测试。虽然您可以聘请受过训练的专业人士来测试您的石棉阁楼,但这可能很昂贵,但这可能是昂贵的而且,根据所使用的方法,可能会给您带来错误的结果。

    "Asbestos causes cancer and other diseases. There is no known safe level of asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers must be airborne to cause a health risk through inhalation, so the first step is not to disturb the material, which would release more fibers into the air. If you remove or disturb the insulation, it is probable that you may inhale some asbestos fibers - the degree of health risk depends on how much and how often this occurred. ...

    "Also, you need to consider if any disturbance of the insulation - possibly by a contractor doing work in you attic - may result in the fibers being deposited into other areas of your house where an exposure might be possible. ...

    "If You Have Vermiculite Insulation, YOU SHOULD ASSUME THE VERMICULITE CONTAINS ASBESTOS AND DO NOT DISTURB IT! Any disturbance could potentially release asbestos fibers into the air."

  5. 约翰·罗克韦尔||#5

    Uh-oh. Thank you, Martin. I will pass this on to a local weatherization agency that does not necessarily treat vermiculite with the same degree of caution.


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