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Insulating top half of basement wall

user-7653783|发布了General Questions


I am considering insulating only the top half of my basement foundation wall in the unfinished portion of my basement. The bottom half has waste, vent and water pipes attached to it which makes it difficult to insulate. There won’t be any drywall in front of this half insulated wall since this area of the basement is unfinished. questions:




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  1. Hammer||#1

    Is your rim joist insulated? I guess I also wonder how far you would get with a super insulated rim joist without the rest of the wall insulated. Would it make a huge difference between having just the rim joist or no insulation at all.

    1. user-7653783||#2


  2. Johngfc.||#3

    What climate zone are you in? It seems likely it'll help with energy efficiency. This site a good discussion of heat transfer, including through soil, and it's has the info you need should you want to estimate heat loss.

    我不了解湿度 - 你可能会降低墙壁的温度,从而提高冷凝的可能性。水分不会伤害混凝土墙(是您的墙壁混凝土,CMU或?),但可能会促进模具。也许用不可渗透的泡沫(例如,面部)隔离并密封边缘。我猜测这个网站上的专家会要求您在尝试答案之前向您询问地下室中的相对湿度,湿度控制和任何历史性问题。

  3. 德克里主克||#4

    Generally the rule is that insulating part of a wall is like waterproofing part of the bottom of a boat.

    If you have a wall that is insulated to R2, and you up the insulation on half of the wall to R20, the average combined insulation is R3.6. Which is better than R2, but not close to the R20 you're paying for.

    But basements can be tricky, if part of the wall is above ground insulating that part already has different heat loss characteristics.


  4. Expert Member

    1- The part ABOVE grade. This is where you lose the most heat
    3- The part BELOW the frost line. This area never goes below freezing, and while you still lose heat here, it's less than the other two zones.

    You get the most benefit by insulating the parts of the wall that are above the frost line, since those are the parts of the wall that see the largest temperature differentials and thus have the largest heat loss. Since you're going to be insulating all of the part of the wall that is above grade, you'll get a big benefit, especially since you said there are two feet above grade. If you can extend down to the frost line, you'll get a big chunk of the benefits that you'd get by insulating the entire wall.

    It's definetely worth insulating the upper four feet of this wall, you'll see a big improvement there. If you can insulate down to at least the frost line everywhere else, that's worth doing too. Insulating the entire wall is obviously optimal, but not required to see improvement in the overall heat loss from the basement wall.

    You won't have moisture issues, especially if you have a capillary break between the top of the masonry and the wood sill plate. Leaving part of the wall uninsulated actually allows for more drying potential and less chance of moisture wicking it's way up the wall.

    As others have mentioned, make sure to air seal and insulate your rim joist as part of this project. That area will have similar levels of heat loss to the above-grade portion of your basement wall, and probably a lot more air leaks too.


  5. user-7653783||#6


  6. Hammer||#7


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