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用户1093260| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    In your climate zone, I would strongly recommend that you install at least 2 inches of rigid foam (XPS or high-density EPS) under your basement slab.

    1. The insulation will lower your energy bills.


    “成本效益”很难确定,因为有很多变量(包括您用来加热房屋的燃料,以及将来的能源价格上涨。)在这种情况下,不必担心成本效益 -- 只需安装泡沫即可。毕竟,如果您改变主意,稍后将很难进行改造。

  2. eyremountllc||#2

    Martin is correct under slab insulation is crucial. How thick really depends on what your goal is, which some energy modeling will give you the answer.


    马丁,我读过关于钻机矛盾的看法id foam losing R-value as it absorbs water? I've read arguments on behalf of XPS and EPS on this matter. I am leaning more toward EPS absorbing less water and loose less r-value. Interested in your take on this.

    Martin also mention moisture. Your vapor barrier under the slab is very important too. I think conventional homes use a 6 mil. We used a 20 mil Stago wrap. May be overkill but it sure is tough stuff.

    I think these things that go into the ground that cannot really be changed once it is done is important to think hard on. Good luck!

  3. eyremountllc||#3


  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    Neither XPS nor high-density Type IX EPS absorb much water, nor is either type of insulation negatively affected by damp conditions. That's why they are used below grade.


  5. eyremountllc||#5

    Hi Martin,

    You are right, installing crush stone and proper drainage should provide the capillary break and drainage to take care of this issue. Here's where I read about the battle of the foams.


  6. auYWr29hu7||#6

    Would you recommend using foam board under basement floor in Alabama?

  7. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#7

    In Alabama, I would say you probably don't need rigid foam under a basement slab.

    Do any Southern builders care to comment?

  8. user-1127400||#8

    I live in NJ. We're adding a 520 sq ft addition with a full basement. I've told my contractor that I want 2" XPS foam under the slab, but he's trying to discourage me. He's telling me that they've seen a lot more cracks develop in slabs that have XPS underneath. They just want to put a 6 mil poly vapor barrier underneath over 4" of crushed stone.

    Does he have a legitimate concern, or should I insist on the XPS? If we go with the XPS, should we still have the vapor barrier and are there specific techniques that need to be followed to minimize cracking?

  9. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#9

    In New Jersey, I would definitely recommend rigid foam under your basement slab. If your contractor doesn't know how to place concrete over rigid foam, it's probably time to find a new contractor. Your contractor is ignorant and possibly unskilled if he says that he can't install a quality slab over rigid foam.


  10. user-1127400||#10



    Should we be specifying anything special about the concrete mix for the pour?

  11. ksjeffery||#11

    很抱歉复兴一个旧帖子,但是这里有一些重要的信息。我已经在Buildingscience.com上阅读了Joseph Lstiburek的文章,他从来没有将我们插入我们的泡沫下,否则我们只将水分含量为永恒。(请参阅第5段






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