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Interior rigid foam installed vertically?

Mark Morley|发布了Green Building Techniqueson

我在圣罗莎,CA(3C区)的家,具有灰泥外观和绝缘2×4墙。我希望在预算允许时对信封进行逐步改进。但是,白蚁问题已经加速了我的时间表,至少在浴室里,我现在已经剥去了螺柱,内外。我希望外观饰面保持制服,所以我认为越来越多的绝缘选择是在室内用2英寸左右的墙壁使用某种壁炉。在这种情况下,我在某个地方看到了大部分额外的绝缘值都损失了导热板的热桥接。What I’m wondering is if the rigid insulation can be aligned vertically on 24″ centers with the 2×2 battens offset from the 2×4 studs and attached to the top and bottom plates and the drywall blocking that, in this wall anyway, is located halfway up the wall?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1


    A. Yes, you can install interior rigid insulation, either horizontally or vertically. I'm not sure what you mean by "on 24-inch centers." Do you intend to rip the foam into strips and insert it into the stud bays? Or do you intend to install a continuous layer of rigid foam on the interior side of the studs?

    Q. "... with the 2x2 battens offset from the 2x4 studs and attached to the top and bottom plates and the drywall blocking that, in this wall anyway, is located halfway up the wall?"

    A. I'm a little lost here. If these 2x2 battens are furring strips to simplify drywall installation, and if the "battens" are installed on the interior side of a continuous layer of rigid foam, then I would advise you to use 1x3s or 1x4s, not 2x2s. On a conventionally framed wall, these 1x3 or 1x4 furring strips would usually be installed horizontally, either 16 inches on center or 24 inches on center.

  2. Mark Morley||#2

    Thanks for the reply, Martin. I think my terminology was incorrect. What I was imagining was, essentially, a second stud wall, 2" thick, with rigid foam board ripped to fit between the 2x2 studs, which would be on 24" centers. There would be no top or bottom plates on this 2" thick wall; the studs wouls be attached directly to the interior face of the top and bottom plates and intermediate blocking of the existing 2x4 wall. I am not wedded to this approach but would like to achieve a significant increase in insulation value without losing more than about 2" of floor space from a fairly small bathroom. Thanks again for your comments.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    The rigid foam insulation will be much more effective if you install it in a continuous layer rather than between your proposed 2x2 studs.

    很多人直接安装石膏墙on top of interior rigid foam, with no battens or furring strips. Just attach the drywall with long screws that reach through the foam to the underlying studs.

  4. Mark Morley||#4

    Great. I'll give it a go. Thanks, Martin. I really appreciate this site and your advice.

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