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n马德里|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我的街区和横梁1940年的房子在房屋的原始房间里有原始的舌头和凹槽3/4英寸的pinewood地板。这是唯一的楼层。我一直在检查,我收到的最好的建议是在铺设新的3/4英寸硬木之前,在原始楼层上使用3/4 Advantech。我相信这是一个很好的建议,但是对于常规胶合板需要Advantech吗?3/4英寸的胶合板是否需要1/2英寸的胶合板?

Thanks for any input.

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  1. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#1

    老式和新地板之间的胶合板或OSB的目标是什么?提供空气屏障?为新地板提供平坦的表面?防止地板弯曲或吱吱作响?旧的地板有什么问题 - 在结构上听起来有什么声音?

    Without knowing the answers to those questions, my generic recommendation would be 3/8 or 11/32" plywood would be fine. But this isn't really my expertise, so let's see if others agree.

  2. GBA编辑
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    这是一个主观判断的问题,决定将based in part on the condition of the existing pine floor, as well as any need to match the height of the existing flooring in adjacent rooms. If the pine floor is relatively flat and in good shape, then 1/2" plywood underlayment may be all you need. A thicker subfloor -- either 3/4" plywood or 3/4" Advantech -- will certainly work just fine.

    One of the main virtues of Advantech is its ability to resist warping and swelling due to rain during construction -- a factor that doesn't apply in your case.

  3. 理查德·拜尔(Richard Beyer)||#3

    Martin gave good advice. In my own house we have 6-8" wide fir boards fastened to the floor joists. Before installing the wood floors over them we screwed each board down with a lot of screws and then installed the wood floors directly over the fir floor in the opposite direction. Unless your floor is abnormally uneven there's no reason to waste money on ply or OSB. That is unless your building up the floor to match an adjoining floor as Martin pointed out.

  4. n马德里||#4



    我取下了果皮和粘贴瓷砖,拉起了1/2胶合板,以露出原始的1945楼层。我用鼓砂光机去除黑色毡和一些拔罐,但没有完成打磨过程,因为我认为我这样做太早了 - 应该给地板更多的时间来适应室温。因此,接下来,我开始填充众多(一直穿过的)指甲孔和薄弱区域,为保护地板造成临时密封以保护地板,因为Sheet Rock仍然需要。.我住在南方,我们没有许多寒冷的日子。但是,我们有4天的旋转爆炸,这是一次经历。进气空气似乎产生了一种真空吸尘器,使凉爽的空气穿过每个小小的空间。我认为原始地板的怀旧之处在于坚固的地板。我的研究暗示了我上面发布的内容。



    Thank you for your input. If I skip the plywood, do you suggest a membrane in between the two floors? If I do skip the plywood, I'll sand the floors again before adding a new hardwood.

    Thank you all again.





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