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Is there an energy efficiency penalty for an oversized dehumidifier?

Alan B|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


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  1. Alan B||#1

    I can choose between 30pint/day, 50pint/day and 70 pint/day units from the same manufacturer, all are energy star rated

  2. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#2

    骑自行车的罚款有些罚款 - 当它闲置时,蒸发器从寒冷到室温,因此,在除湿才能重新开始之前,已经花费了能量将其恢复原状。如果您将更高效率的大型单元与低效率小型单元进行比较,我仍然选择大型单元,但是鉴于所有单元的评分相同,我希望最小的一个能量会稍低,因为它会少循环。


  3. Alan B||#3

    @ Charlie
    You make some very good points, the crawlspace is responsible for most of the air leakage and humidity entering the house (realized from the energy audit blower door and noticing humidity tracks outdoor humidity/temperature in a predictable manner).
    But after crawling in there and getting very dirty i can't find actual gaps the air comes through though the floor above does get ice cold in winter confirming it is the crawlspace, and the rest of the basement is brick walls and concrete floor, which are not appreciably damaged but do suffer from mild efflorescence.
    According to the EPA at 700 sq/ft (2/3 basement, 1/3 crawlspace) should need 23 pints at full load, however i cannot be sure my house fits their models

  4. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#4


    Since the efficiency penalty for a larger size is small, and the uncertainty in the size needed is large, I'm now thinking I'd opt for at least the 50 pint model.

  5. Alan B||#5

    That was my conclusion as well, i bought the 70 pint on sale a few weeks ago, it was out of stock, so they are supposed to call me when it comes in, the 30 pint is on sale this week for 10% less then the 70 pint, i could easily get either one, if i had an old dehumidifier and had numbers to work with i could say if the 30 pint would suffice because i would prefer it if it does.

  6. Alan B||#6

    For anyone who comes across this thread looking for advice, learn from my mistake, there is an energy penalty to over sizing the dehumidifier, i bought the 70 pint (choice between 30 and 70) and after 7kW it has taken out about 4L of water, even though its rated at 1.85L/kW.

  7. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#7



    Even without the constant-on fan issue, you can't expect to get the rated L/kWh in practice, because it depends on the humidity and temperature you are operating in. They are rated at 80 F, 80% humidity (if I remember right), which is an unrealistic choice--if it's that hot, you'd want to be air conditioning instead, and presumably you want to get the humidity lower than 80% in steady-state.

    风扇功耗听起来像一个典型的low-efficiency single-phase induction motor--way more energy use than it should have and using almost the same power on low as on high. An ECM fan motor might use 40 W on high and 10 W on low for the same airflow. Too bad the energy star threshold is set low enough that it doesn't force that upgrade.

  8. Alan B||#8





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