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I’m wondering if you can lay tlle over a concrete subfloor without compromising the thermal mass capacity of the concrete.


Our building site has great orientation for passive solar, but we’d prefer tile versus a finished concrete floor.

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  1. user-723121||#1

    I would say the Ditra would have an insulating effect and would not allow as much thermal storage in the slab. There is nothing wrong with tile laid directly on concrete providing all precautions are taken regarding moisture proofing. Insulation under the slab is also needed to hold the heat. Darker colored tile will absorb more direct beam energy than lighter colors, I believe, light colors would be more reflective, heating the air instead. Be thinking about radon and methods to avoid it.

  2. ChristaC||#2

    Thanks - My concern is about the tiles or grout eventually lifting/cracking without something to provide a little flexibility. It seems like most tile installation instructions bring that up.

  3. user-723121||#3

    Tile and grout work loose if the underlayment flexes, I can't think of a more durable surface than a concrete slab for holding tile, try removing it sometime. Tile, if installed properly and as long as what's underneath is solid, will last a long, long time.

  4. 用户-659915||#4

    But were you to install it the effect on the thermal capacitance of the concrete would be barely measurable. If 1/8" of Ditra were that good an insulator I'd be putting it in my walls!

  5. 比利||#5


    Concrete often develops cracks and the uncoupling membrane reduces the likelihood of those cracks transferring to the tile. It will also reduce the stress of uneven thermal expansion on a passive solar floor. You will need to pay attention to expansion joints in the tile as well.


    There is good green building advice here but if you want good tile advice head over to

  6. Michael Chandler||#6




  7. 比利||#7

    To follow up on Michael's good comments you can see how Noble recommends to apply one of its membranes over expansion joints or concrete cracks.

    Michael raises a very important point about leaving an expansion gap around the perimeter of the tile floor. If you are placing baseboard over the tile, leave a 1/2 inch gap around the entire perimeter. Because tilers will inevitably fill some of this gap with thinset, you can place 1/2 inch foam weatherstrip around the room or tack in a strip of 1/2 inch plywood around the room and pull it out after the tile is grouted.

    Search for tile "tenting" to see what can happen without the appropriate expansion gap around a tile floor. A 1/4 inch gap may be fine unless the floor is very large.

  8. ChristaC||#8

    Thank you - this is very helpful. You anticipated my next question about anticipated cracks in the cement and it's impact on the tiles. Thanks also for the recommended links.

  9. 室内设计||#9


  10. user-723121||#10


    A poorly prepared concrete pour will have problems later on that no "membrane" is going to cover, beware of tile product salespeople. Perimerter expansion material is fine, in fact you should have a thermal break between the floor, the foundation wall and footing and have insulation under the slab. Without insulation under the slab your idea of solar thermal storage is a waste of time. Zip Strip or periodic sawcuts will help with concrete surface tension.

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