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Is Tripolymer spray foam insulation a ‘healthy’ choice in insulating an older home?

GBA编辑器|Posted inGreen Products and Materialson


Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

Amanda Cordano.

GBA Prime.

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  1. Riversong||#1


    You're right that it's difficult to find any objective information on this relatively new phenolic foam, but there is a history of problems with the older phenolics, including shrinkage, water absorption and metal corrosion.

    The formula does seem to have fewer negative impacts than most sprayed foam insulations, but
    Caveat Emptor.

  2. Cassie||#3

    Trpolmer is a masked urea formaldehyde insulation. it is plastic. will not burn, but it will melt and the fumes will kill you. Recently marketed in Canada under the name Retro foam. Once the canadian government found out, the company was shut down and is now in a 500 million dollar lawsuit. Marketed around the US by various names the producer is CP Chemical out of White Plains New York. Just try to get information out of what is in Trypolymer. they will not tell you.

  3. Riversong||#4

    Tripolymer泡沫是苯酚 - 甲醛,而不是尿素甲醛。苯酚 - 甲醛树脂用于胶合板和OSB。

  4. 麦克风||#5


  5. Riversong||#6




  6. 账单||#7

    三利男是一种酚醛 - 甲醛树脂。Goto Punch Number 4345061,您将看到1980年提交的Walter Hasselman专利。Walter是C.P的所有者。在白色平原的化学品。这是为了迈克,所以他明确了解他所代表的内容。

  7. Andy Ault, CLC||#8


    很棒的发现。我无法让网站上所作为,但我能够找到专利信息Patent Genius

    That link will take you directly to the product. Amazingly, not only doesn't it clearly state in the headline that it is a formaldehyde based product, but when you read down through the details, it goes on to state that in certain formulations it MAY BE UP TO 20% FORMALDEHYDE by volume of weight!!!


    人们真的需要考虑c之前漫长而艰难ommitting to living in an indoor environment filled with these things. One really interesting point she made was that the molecular structure of both the isocyanates and the fire retardants are heavier than air. As a result, when they are put into your attic and not sealed behind gyp board (or something similar) than the off-gassing that they do will drop those toxic molecules directly down into the ceiling plane. If you're ceiling plane isn't then completely air-sealed, you can expect to be breathing those molecules in the interior of your home as they leak in. Really scary stuff.

    She also pointed out that most of these brominated and chlorinated retardants are they same mutagen formulations banned from kids pajamas and other articles back in the 70's because of the bad stuff they learned about them. But since the EPA evidentially doesn't have the authority to permanently ban chemicals, they are still being freely made and inserted into our foams instead!

  8. Anonymous||#9

    I just had Tripolymer installed in my home and it shrunk away from my studs (up to 5/8 of an inch on each side, within a week) and away from the drywall and exterior sheathing. After having the installer come back twice to fix the problem I was forced to remove the product and replace it with another product. This required removing the finished drywall! I called and emailed CP Chemical and they will not return my calls or emails. Everytime I call they tell me "our technicians are away?" Do yourself a favor and DO NOT use this product!!! I was having second thoughts about using it from the begining and wish I would have never used it, don't make the same mistake! I have plenty of pictures to prove my claims. This product is garbage!!!!!

  9. Riversong||#10




  10. John||#11

    There is no doubt that all the urea formaldehyde (UF) foams are problematic from both a health safety and performance standpoint as a result of potential degradation leading to shrinkage and release of free formaldehyde. Phenol formaldehyde (PF) binders have been used for decades to make wood based construction products such as plywood and OSB. Recent experience with those products in some portable housing units shows that these can be a problem also but they are much more stable. Some recent products based on polyurethane or polyurea are made from isocyanate raw materials and do contain fire retardants. They are much more stable and one would not expect to have "toxic molecules" in the air in building containing those products. In the first place isocyanates are quite reactive with water and would react with that long before any potential exposure occured, even if there was any decomposition which is unlikely. I dod not claim to know all the formulations used but do know that the typical FRs used (halogenated phosphate esters) have been used for over 50 years in all sorts of polyurethane products without risk to health. In term of products of combustion I would avoid breathing smoke from burning wood that is present in quantities thousands of times greater that insulating foams in typical buildings and building codes require that foams be covered with a "thermal barrier" to prevent ignition; smoke from burning furnishings are much more hazardous.
    In the interest of complete disclosure I have been working with polyurethane type products for over 40 years and have participated in research, production, and testing of insulating products, including health and safety issues. I have seen products disappear that I once considered "safe" and as a result have become much more skeptical of many claims. One has to balance the potential good (in the form of practical energy savings) with the potential risk (in the form of fire or other risk exposures). It is not correct to assume that all petrochemical based products are bad or that there is always a superior "natural" alternative and it is a good idea to crititcally examine the facts to be sure that preconceived notions do not govern.

  11. Riversong||#12

    It is not correct to assume that all petrochemical based products are bad or that there is always a superior "natural" alternative and it is a good idea to crititcally examine the facts to be sure that preconceived notions do not govern.




    The risks of petrochemicals are hardly "potential", but very real. Neither our bodies nor any other part of the biological environment evolved to deal with this chemical assault.



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