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Manual J window U-value

Andy McPartland| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Looking at Manual J window U-value, I am not sure how the program takes a U-0.31 modeled window and calculates that up to U-0.47? I have done some research as to where the bump up comes from – striking out – any help would be great – thanks!

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    >"I am not sure how the program takes a U-0.31 modeled window and calculates that up to U-0.47?"

    Which Manual-J tool are you using?

    1. Andy McPartland||#2

      MJ8, Wrightsoft Right-J/Right-Draw

  2. Andy McPartland||#3

    MJ8 U-value vs U-Nom
    Same question on wall U value, it calculates U-nom of 0.053 and a MJ8 U-value of 0.065? I run a parallel r-value calc on the wall assembly and it appears that MJ8 already has a 25+ framing consideration in their U-nom?

    Is there a source for these considerations/de-rations? I scoured the help section and google. They state not to cook the input numbers, but then it appears the numbers are pre-cooked anyways?

    Thanks - andy

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