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plumb_bob|Posted in一般的问题on

Does anybody have an educated opinion on how construction material prices are rising, and if they are anticipated to drop? I heave heard various opinions about what is driving the rise but have not heard what prices are forecasted to be in the coming months and years.

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  1. drewintoledo||#1

    I have no idea but I’m interested. I sold my house and now living in a camper. I wanted to build but I cannot. I’ve heard demand is up because COVID lockdowns have projects on the rise. I’ve heard we’re not importing from Canada like we did with the prior administration. I’ve heard the fires out west caused issues. I’ve heard goofy things that aren’t worth repeating Google search “lb00” (zeros on the end not o’s) for the lumber futures price. It goes up about 20-30 points a day. I’m bummed! I listened to a dude on YouTube called “economic ninja” who predicts people will refuse to build (like me) and stores will build inventories causing price to go down on summertime. Looking forward to hearing input from others.

  2. Expert Member


    The standard unit of commodity lumber is 1,000 board feet. Right now it's trading at $1454. For September delivery you'd pay $1182 and for May 2022 deliver you'd pay $979. So the market is saying that people expect costs to come down over the next year, but still stay high by historical standards. One year ago it was at $319.

  3. plumb_bob||#3


  4. AlexPoi||#4

    Expect the prices to bounce up again when they finally come down. Too many people waiting on the side lines right now will jump right in.


  5. Expert Member

    I keep a close eye on this stuff since I bid out project packages for my customers. I work mostly with electrical and steel structures, so I'm most familiar with products involved in those types of projects, but I do try to have an idea on some other things too. I check with my vendors every few days. This is a summary of what I've been hearing:

    Copper prices are up A LOT -- about 250% compared with last fall. This is due to a combination of reduced supply (some reduced output issues at several mines, especially the big one in Chile, that are related to COVID issues), and banksters playing the commodities market. Prices have leveled off a bit over the past month or so. My suppliers are warning of possible materials shortages (as in they won't have stock for you to buy) come summer, but no one is sure how severe those shortages may be. The biggest hit items right now seem to be building wire in the 14, 12 and 10 gauge sizes, which unfortunately includes the most common sizes used in residential construction. Prices are not expected to drop until at least this coming winter, and maybe later. No one is certain. I would not expect prices to return to normal levels for at least a year, and we're likely to see some more increases before things start to drop.



    我听说过,但还没有试图确认,已经有一些努力使我们在美国遇到了一种碳交易市场的发展,并且有一个团队一直在向Syp种植者支付不砍伐木材。如果是这种情况,那么我们很可能会继续看到木材价格高昂的价格,尤其是SYP和经过压力处理的木材(通常是带有治疗的SYP),并且可能永远不会看到这些价格恢复到附近的位置。我个人认为,如果这种“碳市场”是正在发生的事情,那么以这种方式实施是一个愚蠢的想法 - 他们将成为一个持续的周期,最好切割和重新种植。正如我所说,我尚未确认这是SYP和经过处理的木材的情况。

    Steel is up about double from it's long term average, and suppliers aren't holding prices -- I've been told no one will hold prices for even 24 hours. I don't have a cause here, but I've heard the same from multiple vendors.

    Many other parts, some seemingly random, are in short supply. My main generator vendor, for example, is telling me there is a national shortage of radiator hoses of all things, and that is what is holding up their production. I'm seeing 20 week lead times on commercial generators (100kw+), and smaller residential generators are back ordered until this Fall. Many parts are in short supply which can make service work difficult for existing equipment too.



    Ford cut a shift of F150 production as a result of a semiconductor shortage due to some plants being offline as a result of the power problems in Texas. I personally have had an issue sourcing a number of electronic components, notably some small-signal relays, and have seen very long lead times (one of my relay orders was supposed to arrive at my vendor April 9 and ship April 12, I recently got an update that they now expect product to arrive May 28. This is an order of just shy of 6,000 units).

    在过去的几个月中,日本的两个主要电子组件仓库显然被烧毁,许多零部件制造商还没有完全生产,并且全球运输都被搞砸了(显然,航班数量大大减少了,而且运输也显然也是如此)。经营当地中东市场(某种专业杂货店)的人告诉我,由于降低航班/运输,他很难进口,而托运人不会运送部分容器 - 他们一直在等到一切运输前最大。我从摩尔多瓦和保加利亚认识的供应商那里听到了类似的消息,欧洲其他地方也可能存在问题。我欠了大陆通话的一些人,他们是德国的大型汽车供应商,我必须问他们他们也看到了什么。




    1. 用户-5946022||#7

      Zephyr wrote: "Steel is up about double from it's long term average, and suppliers aren't holding prices -- I've told no one will hold prices for even 24 hours. I don't have a cause here, but I've heard the same from multiple vendors."


    2. Expert Member

      账单, what I'm hearing is that stump prices of lumber -- what the landowner gets -- haven't increased at all, that there's no shortage of trees, the problem is all in the supply chain.

      Anecdotally it seems a lot of smaller sawmills are ramping up, particularly for non-structural stuff that doesn't need to be stamped.

      1. Expert Member
        BILL WICHERS||#11


        有一些木材分级的位置可以定制铣削木材。不过,不知道要做的费用或最低要素 - 运输木材的运费可能会抵消小工厂必须提供的任何节省的成本。


        1. Expert Member



          1. Expert Member
            BILL WICHERS||#17





    3. JohnnyDC||#9


    4. 疯狂||#15


      LOL. I think most companies were lucky if they got 10 productive hours a week out of employees in a modern office. 20 seems like found money!


      Semiconductor constraints are definitely real and global. In my day job, we accelerated 2-3 quarters of purchases to account for known and unknown delays across the semiconductor supply chain. Even Apple, who is literally first in line for semiconductor fab capacity, yesterday (2021-04-28) warned that they will be supply constrained due to shortages and expect an upcoming $3 - 4 billion revenue hit because of it.

      1. 用户-6863358||#19

        LOL. I think most companies were lucky if they got 10 productive hours a week out of employees in a modern office. 20 seems like found money!


  6. plumb_bob||#6

    I am in Northern BC and a sheet of 1/2" standard spruce plywood is around $80. It seems completely unsustainable but property values are rising faster than material costs so the boom continues. I am hearing of anything with foamed plastic (ICF, exterior doors etc) are getting hard to find.
    Thanks for the thesis Bill! Interesting...

  7. Strausjw||#10

    这些视频来自软木市场分析师,并为木材方面的当前价格提供了一些解释。我知道有些人正在搁置他们的项目,但似乎许多人愿意付出任何代价 - 这应该保持高价。

    1. Expert Member

      I read recently that a typical new home uses 10,000 board feet of lumber. At $1.40 that's $14,000 worth of lumber, which sounds a little low to me but gives a sense of scale. If you've bought the site, gotten plans approved, cleared the land and dug the foundation, the cost of stopping now is a lot more than the incremental cost of lumber.

      1. Expert Member
        BILL WICHERS||#18



  8. jwolfe1||#14

    I appreciate all of the information provided here.

  9. 疯狂||#16

    I bought a lot of lumber in December 2019/January 2020 for my own house. Current prices for dimensional lumber are about 3x what they were in December 2019/January 2020. Current prices for engineered products are 2-3x, depending on product, if you can even get it.

    My normal lumberyard is large (spans multiple locations, has multiple yards with direct rail access). They've been completely out of all 3/4" subfloor material with the exception of Fir plywood with no indication of when they will get a restock.

    Another very large vendor I've previously bought from told me they couldn't just sell me sheathing; I'd have to buy something else as well. (Also, their prices were absolutely insane.)

    It's pretty wild, to say the least.



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