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I’m looking for a review from fellow New Englanders on Mathew’s Brothers triple pane vinyl windows? They are manufactured in Belfast, Maine. They seem to be very reasonably priced. Does anyone have any experience with their energy performance and quality? My biggest concern is that their SHGC and visible light is lower than I’d like (0.25, 0.4 respectively with a U = 0.19.) My window budget is tight so my options are limited to get a low cost tri-pane with reasonable performance. I’m also considering Pella 350 series and Intus but both are a bit more expensive than Mathew’s Brothers so I’m hoping to hear that they’re a quality window. FYI this is for a new construction home is zone 6.

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  1. BobMaynes||#1

    嗨,布莱恩(Brian),允许我在这里称重,因为我在马修斯兄弟(Mathews Brothers)工作。您所指的窗户是我们的Sanford Hills产品系列,是根据我们制造了160年的Putty玻璃制品设计的。该产品线是2018年末引入的,并且已迅速成为想要木材外观但没有木材所需的价格标签(和维护)的建筑商和房主的首选窗口。

    从结构上讲,我们可以轻松地为双悬挂窗口获得PG50评级,并为套管获得PG65。热性能同样引人注目,Energy Star 6.0额定值仅为3/4“绝缘玻璃单元和一个Low-E表面。三层玻璃单元再次达到0.22 U因子,同样具有低 - 单个表面例如,我们确实提供了低E的多种配置,具体取决于您的要求和窗户曝光。有些人会增加SHGC,有些减少它。有些增加了VT,有些减少了它。您决定要实现的目标,因为您经常不喜欢需要增加三重玻璃的费用来实现您的目标。

    We have been making windows for 167 years now, and if we did not offer a quality product at a very reasonable price, year in and year out, we would not be growing at the rate we are. Our warranties are bullet proof, as is our commitment to service.

    Please contact us through our website if you need more information, as I only check this site occasionally. Thanks!

  2. this_page_left_blank||#2

    You might want to look at Klearwall. They are sellers of European window brand Munster Joinery. Quite cheap, for what they are. I'm assuming the U values quoted above are center of glass specs, since you need to know the exact size and type to spec full assembly u values. COG u-values for Klearwall are in the 0.1 range or below, with SHGC of up to at least 0.5. Not sure on the visible transmittance, but the ones I have are perfectly acceptable; I look through the window and it's basically like there's nothing there.

    On the downside, customer service has not been the best. Some of this may be due to us being in Canada. We've had some fit and finish issues with many of the operating windows, which may be installer related. Since the installer went belly up, we were left kind of holding the bag in the middle. They sent us some parts, and they sent a service guy up once who seemed to be in a rush and not all that familiar with the products (and two weeks later he didn't work for them anymore).

    So kind of a mixed bag, but if you're shopping based on price you're going to be making some compromises.

    1. user-7061227||#3

      Did you buy the Matthews Brothers windows? I am curious as I am considering them as well.

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