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乔恩·拉西奇(Jon Rasich)|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


2×8 afters
Richmond VA (Climate Zone 4, 3900HDD)

I am leaning toward MD Icynene (2 pcf) in the rafters, for the following reasons

7.5″ at R5.2 per in = R39
Prefer water-based blowing agent (vs. ccspf)
MD/Icynene appears more forgiving in terms of identifying leaks, making later structural repairs (e.g., re-roof sheathing replacement)

The question: at 3″, MD has permeance of 1.3–won’t that figure decrease as I increase thickness to 7.5″ and approach the 1.0 perm level that appears needed, and would be supplemented in any case by drywall and latex paint and primer?

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    Six inches of Icynene MD-R-200 has a permeance of 0.65 perm.

  2. John Semmelhack||#2


    只是一个建议 - 如何切换到2x12 afters和密集的包装纤维素?...或者更好,12英寸TJI the子?

  3. 河流||#3


  4. 乔恩·拉西奇(Jon Rasich)||#4


    Thanks for the suggestion. I should have noted that my roof is a full cross-gable, so I couldn't conceive of a way to get the equivalent of soffit venting to complement the ridge venting (ie, I have four valleys running down to each of the home's 4 corners). I assume you were suggesting an airspace between the deck and the cellulose, which I like as a solution for a simpler roof profile.


    Martin and Robert--thanks for the responses. I wonder whether the overall roof assembly makes sense to you both in my climate zone once I've gone the complicated roof route. I haven't observed any builders in Richmond use external roof insulation to manage sheathing temperature (and thus would not expect the local trades to do it well) so I am opting for "limit moisture access to the deck, allow to dry both directions--I think the permeance of thick MD-200 will allow this--and manage indoor winter humidity".

    Many thanks.

  5. 河流||#5



    All PU foams are a mix of open and closed cells. The low-density (0.5 pcf) foams are mostly open and the 2 pcf foams are mostly closed.

  6. 乔恩·拉西奇(Jon Rasich)||#6




    In the end, it seems that I am looking for a Goldilock's solution given my climate zone--enough of a vapor retarder to prevent interior vapor from getting to the cold deck in winter, but not so much so that it would prevent exterior vapor from getting to the inside to dry in summer. I suspect that one of these risks must be greater than the other?

    Thanks to all for the continuing education.
    Control Vapor Diffusion – Closed-cell spray foam acts as a throttle to control the rate of vapor diffusion. The foam insulation resists the diffusion of water vapor so that the amount of water vapor is reduced as it moves through the thickness of the foam. By the time the water vapor reaches the back of the roof sheathing, there is not enough left to cause condensation problems.


    ***在高达5英寸的炎热气候中*(125毫米)CCSPF也可以使用。在此应用中,当屋顶温度高(120-190°F或50-90°C)时,组件仍然可以干燥到内部,蒸气压梯度非常大(5-35 kPa),并且泡沫为蒸气阻滞剂,而不是蒸气屏障。***

    控制雨水泄漏 - 闭孔喷雾泡沫具有可忽略不计的水的渗透性,最小的吸水和出色的粘附,使其充当二次雨水屏障,当主屋顶组装雨水控制膜泄漏时,可以限制损害。雨水迁移受到严重限制,这是由于泡沫的低水传播和高粘附(“防水”)特征,损坏仅限于附近的主要雨水控制膜中的孔。这倾向于包含损坏,使识别源并防止其在整个组件中散布和内部饰面变得更容易,这可能是昂贵的。

  7. 河流||#7

    "under the right conditions" is the critical determinant.

    如果你有一个深色屋顶和大量的直接sun, then water vapor will certainly be driven through even closed cell foam, albeit slowly. Water damage risk is a matter of time and temperature, so whether a problem will occur depends on how long the roof sheathing stays wet and whether it's warm enough to mold or rot.

    The Florida Solar Energy Center study on cathedral roof systems demonstrated that the least durable roofs, in either cold (Boston) or hot/humid (Miami) climates were those with closed cell foam underneath and peel-n-stick membranes on top (many of the new roofing underlayments are relatively impermeable as well).


  8. 乔恩·拉西奇(Jon Rasich)||#8




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