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Membership pricing

喀鲁姆野羊|发布了General Questions


This isn’t the typical how to question but a question manly aimed at Martin and the site owners. I thought I’d post it here though to get feed back from other users. The membership pricing seems to be built around professional home builders who will learn new building techniques, gain customers, and increase profits based on the information in the articles. The problem with that model is that there’s plenty of basic home owners that aren’t gaining anything more than personal knowledge and improvements on their own home. $15/month is more than I pay for Netflix… Of course this site needs to make money and the customer base isn’t anywhere near the size of Netflix, but I’ve been wondering if the site owners have ever considered a two teared pricing scheme. Or paying per article as many of the pay walled articles don’t apply to me. Or possibly just publishing old articles to the public after a few months.

I know there’s a free trial, I’ve used that up. I might be able to apply again with another email address, but that would get tedious and it’s not the point of the free trial.

Martin’s article, published today, on attic insulation looks really intriguing from the introduction. Like many homeowners my attic has the issue mentioned and if there’s a new technique I’d love to learn about.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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  1. Jaccen||#1


    If one were looking to save costs they could always sign up for a month, read/print/save all the articles of interest, cancel their subscription, wait 6 months, resign up, and then work through the backlog, rinse, repeat. I do that for some of my streaming sport shows (I only watch the playoffs or the final series). There are still quite a few articles available for free.

    对我来说,亲自再次,我没有问题支付良好产品的公平金额。我不相信GBA是一个很好的产品 - 我相信它是一个很棒的产品。我的$ 0.02

  2. 沃尔特Ahlgrim||#2

    This web site is great.


    While $150 price tag is high I think it is well worth the price for the first year.

    In my opinion renewing for the second year where I think this site needs to change pricing. After a year you have read most of articles and seen the videos, so in the second year you are paying for the new content. You get 1 blog from Martin and 4 interesting article \ blogs from others sources each week. I think the second year should be half price and 1/3 after 2 years.
    If there is more new content than I have noticed it needs to be marked better. When is the last time the site added a video?

    I wonder what percentage of members stay 24 months? 36 months?


  3. Josh Durston||#3

    I've been enjoying this site for a couple months now, but as a homeowner who is more of a curious bystander I find the price a little steep, but I am willing to pay something, for full access to blogs and articles.
    I would say, for someone in the industry the price is a steal, paying someone to come up with a single detail drawing would cost more than a year's membership.

  4. GBA Editor

    Thanks for the feedback. Whether or not the price seems fair depends in part on whether you are engaged in a construction project.

    我知道,当我在自己的房子上工作时,每次跑到伐木工人时,每次都不花200美元或300美元。如果我每月一次或两次这样做,那么为建议和个人教育花费15美元可能是一个很好的投资 - 特别是如果15美元可以节省30美元或50美元。

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