
MStaudaher|Posted in一般的问题on
我正在建造一个新房,并使用邮政编码板作为主要的空气屏障(没有外部绝缘层)。我们即将开始使用5/16英寸的Lap Hardi来构建房屋,我需要放入外部光线和出口盒中,以便我们可以修剪它们。

如果将盒子切入墙壁,则必须像安装在外墙中的室内电盒一样,以相同的方式空气密封盒子的背面。这是完全可行的,但是参与其中。This method doesn’t work as well for thick wall assemblies either, since you have to somehow extend the device mounting location (the face of the box) up close to the surface of the finished siding, and mud rings are the only way to do this. You are NOT permitted by code to mount the device (light, receptacle, etc) to the siding itself, and then just run wires back from there into the box — the box needs to enclose all the electrical connections including those on the device itself.
I’d prefer the surface mounted box if your siding can work with that. If you’re putting in a rainscreen, that will usually provide enough room for a box. Note that it’s sometimes easier to use 4” square boxes everywhere, and then use either a round mud ring (for lights) or a single or double gang mud ring (for receptacles). You don’t have to use round boxes to get a suitable mount for a round device.
Thanks for the information. I wanted to surface mount the boxes. We are using 5/16 7.25” wide Hardi for the siding. All the exterior outlets and other exterior penetrations will be blocked with 1.5” thick forest trim. If I do the method you described I should end up with the boxes essentially flush with the surface of the trim blocks.