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Seidleroni|Posted in一般的问题on

Hi Everyone,


我的主要问题是,(83°F或相当炎热的天higher), the 2nd floor gets quite warm. The warm out of the ducts is 71°F until the weather gets really cool at night. On days where the outdoor temperature isn’t too hot, the air out of the ducts is quite cool (58°F). I will say that no matter the outdoor temperature, the wall units are great and put out really cold air and have no problem keeping everything cool and the air coming out of them is still quite cold. The outdoor unit doesn’t seem to be running continuously even on the hottest days.



Outdoor Unit:
Mitsubishi Hyper Heat 3 Ton M-Series Outdoor Condenser Model# MXZ-4C36NAHZU1
Indoor Units:
- 三菱空气处理器1.5吨容量管道型号#MVZ-A18AA-4(阁楼)
– Mitsubishi Indoor Wall Mount Air Handler model# MSZ-FH12NA (Kitchen/Family room)
– Mitsubishi Indoor Wall Mount Air Handler model# MSZ-FH09NA (Living Room)

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  1. user-2310254||#1

    Not an expert, but it seems weird that the ducted portion of the system is not delivering cold air on hot days. (That's kind of its job, right?) Are these metal or flex ducts? Are they insulated? How large is the area this unit is serving?

    Using spray foam will be expensive, and then you will need enough capacity in your system to deliver some conditioned air to the attic space.

    What does your HVAC contractor have to say about this situation?

  2. walta100||#2

    I like your plan so long as you understand your conditioned attic is likely to only be marginally better than the current situation. Mostly because the roof & gables you want to insulate may have twice the surface area of you ceiling getting the even code minimum R value become very extensive given the large area. If you did manage to keep the same R value when you move the thermal boundary the larger area means you will lose/ gain more heat.

    What the current ceiling R value?




  3. 专家成员
    Akos Toth||#3



  4. 丹吉斯||#4




  5. Seidleroni||#5

    Wow really great responses! I called one of the Mitsubishi Diamond Elite contractors and they seemed pretty useless, frankly. He told me that having a 3 ton condenser outside and a 1.5 ton air handler in the attic makes no sense and that the indoor unit should always exceed outdoor unit. Regardless I'll follow up on these suggestions and on the next hot day (should happen within the next week) I'll try the following:





  7. Seidleroni||#7

    Just wanted to leave a note that I read the thread that Akos linked to and I suspect I have a similar issue. Usually when it is > 83°F outside, my upstairs can't maintain setpoint. However on Sunday when it was 89°F, I turned off everything except my ducted air handler and I replicated the exact same results; the unit performed great when the other units were off, the air vents coming out of the air handler were quite cold (57°F) and were able to keep the upstairs really cool. I also just changed the setting as mentioned in that post (SW6-7, SW6-8, Target ETm(°C) = 6). Its not super hot today, but I will post back once another hot day occurs to see whether it now works even with the downstairs ductless units are on.

  8. Seidleroni||#8


    So if anyone else has a ducted Mitsubishi air handler in the attic and it does a terrible job on warm days, change the setting on the outdoor unit (SW6-7, SW6-8, Target ETm(°C) = 6)



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