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不是那么干凝灰岩n dri

Martin Luther|Posted in一般的问题on

The concrete sub sprayed my poured basement wall a week ago, slapped on tremco warm n dri board, drain tile and laid 18 inches of gravel in the same day. Has been raining some every day since and still not dry in spots. The brick ledge has washed off some as you can see streaks of the liquid asphalt here and there soaked through the fiberglass barrier board. Have trench footing so there has been standing water and concerned about the exterior wall footing joint. I cannot imagine the tuff and dri cured correctly down there. Contractor is saying it will be fine when it dries but it has been over a week and the curing time is supposed to be 24 hours. 1 local guy said they should remove the gravel, the drain, the board, everything and scrape soft spots and respray. Contractor resisting. Any thoughts?

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    您的问题有点隐秘。当您写信时,“混凝土潜艇在一周前喷洒了我的地下室墙,”我不确定正在喷洒什么 - 喷洒泡沫绝缘或淋巴防水吗?- 或在壁的内部或外部喷洒物质的地方?


    这里有一个链接到Tuff-N-DRI安装说明. If you read them, you may be able to determine if your contractor followed the instructions. Concerning the brick ledge, note this disclaimer: "The TUFF-N-DRI System Limited Warranty covers neither the horizontal surface of the brick ledge nor the vertical wall surface above the ledge regardless of wall type."

  2. Martin Luther||#2

    Thank you Mr Holladay. My concern is the seam where the footing and wall meet on the exterior. As I understand, this is a primary place to seal, which makes sense, particularly for a trench footing that is level with the ground. The instructions for the waterproofing just says respray as needed. My question is as follows --- if the liquid membrane has been in water or moist at the footing for a week and is still not cured, can it still bond and be effective? There is no way to know on this end without removing the gravel and drain which is covering it up. Some parts of the wall membrane, especially ledges are still soft.

  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    I suggest that you direct your questions to a technical representative at Tremco. Here is the phone number:


  4. Martin Luther||#4


  5. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#5

    Martin Luther,
    Can you describe a trench foundation. Is it one where the footing was poured without a form?

  6. Martin Luther||#6

    Yes, footing is poured into dug out trench, hard soil. No form used, which means the tuff n dri was sitting in water for a number of days which prevented curing during the expected 24 hr cure. Other horizontal places so wet in spots that membrane is like oil on fingertips.

  7. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#7




    That said, generically, if the manufacturer requires 24 hours of curing before exposure to water and that condition was not met, make the contractor redo it. Why should you assume the risk of failure purely to save the contractor time and money? it was the contractor's election to race the rain.

    1. cfking54||#10


      1. 专家成员
        Malcolm Taylor||#11


        1. cfking54||#12

          Oops! My bad!!!

  8. Martin Luther||#8

    感谢彼得的有益评论。是的,流失是白天的,但是由于每端的管道都绑在锚螺栓上 - 我想我想将它们挡在障碍物上。我认为它的设计相当不错,坡度良好等,只是没有时间以正常方式治愈膜。我试图让他们将排水瓷砖放在顶部,但他们不会听到。

  9. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#9

    Martin Luther,
    不幸的是,正如彼得说,周长drains on top of the footings means that vulnerable joint between the footings and foundation wall is frequently wet and susceptible to leaking. Trench drains should only be used when the soil has adequate drainage so that perimeter drains aren't needed, or the project is a slab on grade. Providing enough fill to bring the slab higher than the perimeter drains would be the best way to help alleviate the problem.




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