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Oversize HVAC

D L| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi all,

I am building a home to be as energy efficient as my budget allows, so it will be air tight with higher insulation etc. The home is a total of about 6000sf and is a ranch with basement in the midwest. I am now looking at my HVAC bids but noticed that some of the bids have over sized HVAC systems. The bids include a 5 ton ac 20seer unit, a 110k BTU 98% furnace, ERV fresh air system, and humidifier/dehumidifier.

I’ve read concerns around oversized systems with short cycling but would that really be an issue since the ac unit is 2 speed and the system includes an ERV which will dehumidify the home even if the AC unit doesn’t run long enough? If that is the case than comfort won’t be an issue with an oversize system correct?

I did get a bid from a green hvac vendor but the cost was 5k higher for a system that does not seem as high end (spec sheet) than the non-green bids. I do realize that the green hvac vendor is going to actually do a better manual j/p/d calculation and probably rightsize the system and ducts but the higher cost is harder to justify.


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1



    If you have, good for you.



    So get a Manual J done by someone you trust -- and tell the consultant that you are planning to build a house that has a very low rate of air leakage and that will have above-code levels of insulation (if that's the case). Whoever does the Manual J calculation has to measure your windows and has to know your window specs and window orientations for each room, and has to know your actual insulation specs. You can't guess.


    第三:您的假设之​​一是错误的。您写道,您的“ ERV ...也会使房屋脱落,即使AC单元运行不够长。”实际上,当天气潮湿时,运行ERV会为您的房屋增添湿度。ERV不是除湿机。运行ERV的时间越长,您将添加到家中的湿度就越多。关于ERV,您可以说的最好的事情是,它不会像HRV那样快地增加湿度。有关此问题的更多信息,请参阅HRV or ERV?

  2. D L||#2

    Hi Martin,


    3. I made a mistake in my posting, I meant to say the system includes an ERV and stand alone Dehumidifier that should dehumidify the home even if the AC unit doesn't run long enough. I am kind of new to all of this so I appreciate the hrv or erv link as it helped me understand how those two systems would add to the humidity when there is hot and humid weather.

    I guess what I am trying to understand is what I am losing by going with the non-green hvac vendors vs the green hvac vendor. From what I see the green hvac vendor is going to include the proper calculations and proper sizing of hvac and ducting system, does that typically translate to a higher cost? I could definitely use this money somewhere else in the home but this is the first energy efficient home I am building so I didn't want to make a mistake and regret it later.

  3. Nate g||#3

    Do a quick-and-dirty calculation (15 mins) and find out for yourself:


  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||# 4


    承包商犯的最大错误通常是无法进行准确的房间加热和冷却负载计算。在这方面,好承包商和坏承包商之间的区别与“绿色”无关。您想要的是一个具有计算器和计算机和锋利铅笔的聪明人。极客很好 - 您不需要环保主义者,只有受过教育和准确的人。

    HVAC承包商犯的第二个最常见的错误是设计一个不良的管道系统 - 要么将其定位在错误的位置(建筑物信封外),使管道散布,无法指定使用乳胶的使用来密封管道接缝,或无法将管道设计基于手动D方法(这取决于手动J进行的准确的房间计算)。“绿色”承包商(无论那意味着什么)可能比该部门的非绿色承包商更好 - 但是,您再次希望一个聪明的极客而不是浪漫的环保主义者来执行计算和设计。




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