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Cost to Install Multisplit for HVAC

spiffyjwc| Posted inMechanicalson

Just started getting back some bids for a new home we’re building in MA (Boston suburb). I’m worried because although we are shooting for “pretty good house” insulation levels, some of the builders expressed skepticism of using a mini/multi-split for HVAC. On our first bid, they indicated that a mitsubishi system would cost $88k to install, and it just sounds outlandish given my early research into the systems! Is this one of the “non-bids” that I hear about – where an HVAC contractor puts in a high price to sway you away from these systems and back towards traditional gas furnaces?

这是一个3000平方英尺的两个故事。Beopt和Coolcalc#在35,000 BTU热负载范围内返回(仍在进行官方的工程负荷计算中)。我应该寻找自己的HVAC安装程序,还是要认真低估了我的目的?

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  1. Jeff Wasilko||#1

    That sounds insane. We're in MA as well.

    我们使用了Boucher( to replace our AC with a Mitsubishi heat pump system last year. The project was around $37k for a MXZ-8c48NAHZ outdoor unit, with a SVZ-KP30NA andSVZ-KP24NA ducted air handlers, and MSZ-GL06NA head. The project also included completely replacing our attic duct work, and Aerosealing all of the other duct work. We also had hydro heating coils installed in the 2 air handlers for backup from our existing boiler.

    Boucher was able to get us into the MA MVP program, which covered around $5K of the system. We also tried to get the DOER heat pump generation credits, but were ineligible because the 8c48NAHZ doesn't meet the requirements. The 42k would have, in hindsight.

    It was a big project and less than half your bid.

    If you're only doing ductless heads, you should also talk to

    1. spiffyjwc||#14

      他们只是以75k的价格回到我身边!他们想将3个单独的室外装置放入带有3个管道的空气处理程序的室外单元 - 因此,从本质上讲,您可以用另一个处理程序+管道将头交换。我什至问过要使用一个多区域与3个冷凝器一起使用,但我的代表表明,价格不会有太大影响!
      I'm even more confused about pricing now!

  2. Walter Ahlgrim||#2

    Sound like a bait and switch bid with a head in every room and the compressors over sized by at least 3X.

    Consider having the engineer prepare the head size and placement and compressor specifications. For the contractor to bid. This way the contractor is not going the oversize every thing to cover his tail.


  3. Jonathan Lawrence CZ 4A New Jersey||#3

    对我来说听起来很高。我在新泽西州的郊区,收到了3个报价,用于新的建筑安装,加热负载为50,000 BTU。安装的设置为5个室外单元和6个室内单元。二楼和未通风的阁楼由2个管道的中型静态富士图12RGLX提供。其他单元是壁挂式安装座。总安装成本不到5万美元。具有类似设置的Daiken报价约为55,000美元,三菱报价约为65,000美元。

  4. Sam S||#4

    It's either a bad quote, or a bad system design. Ask them for a list of installed equipment to help figure it out.

  5. bubdbuilder||#5

    I’m blown away by these prices. I know cost of living is higher in the Northeast than the rural South but today we paid $6k for a Fujitsu system with 4 indoor units and 2 outdoor.

  6. 詹姆森·哈格纳(Jameson Hagenauer)||#6

    Currently soliciting bids to replace our aging furnace with a multi-split heat pump with a mix of ducted and ductless units in a two or three zone configuration. Our house here in Tacoma (not a cheap labor market) is smaller than yours (~1800 sq ft of conditioned space) but roughly the same heating load. I've had a range of bids from ~$18K - $28K, some of those have included total duct replacement, others partial replacement.

  7. c l||#7

    That bid is insane. I would not deal with any company that proposed that.

    The other bids in the $30k range sound insane, and the $18k-$28k range also sounds very high.

    在东南部,您可以在新建筑中安装一个标准的拆分系统,价格约为5k- $ 6k。假设新房屋中2个系统的HVAC成本为12,000美元。即使迷你平台系统仅花费两倍,它也永远不会为自己付费。

    I hope someone in the trade with familiarity around this pricing responds to this thread, as I cannot understand why minisplit install costs are so insane. I'd like to know which of the below is incorrect:
    b。AUX材料成本(管道等)要么较小(非管道系统),要么是因为传统系统使用flex and ducted mini的需求硬管。
    d. Commissioning is a bit more (more complex controls, less room for error on charging the system)

    1. Jeff Wasilko||#9


  8. 专家成员

    In the north, before mini splits, the only AC option for older houses with rads was high velocity. These are not cheap, so when mini splits came in, installers started offering them as an alternative. The price never reflected the real cost, as long as it was cheaper than high velocity, people bought them. Thus the silly prices.

    Usually you can find much better pricing if you only cost the install of the unit and the ducting is done by others. This would get you a closer to realistic parts+labor cost instead of magical pricing.

  9. spiffyjwc||#10


  10. Wooba Goobaa||#11

    The price is insane. I'm also in the Boston area. I've got a similar size job being done for about half that (ducted Mitsubishi cold climate heat pumps with three air handlers).

    1. Will R||#12


      1. Jeff Wasilko||#13

        I can't offer a 'designer', but Boucher (mentioned above) was the only contractor I found that did a solid, reasonable load calc and system design.

        1. Will R||#15


          1. spiffyjwc||#16

            Unfortunately, it sounds like this thread has died! I also reached out to Boucher, but they seemed to be oversizing as well. Not to mention, their price was still super expensive (in the 70-80k range). Have you gotten quotes from anyone else?

          2. Jeff Wasilko||#17


            Did they say why they oversized?

  11. Will R||#18

    我的报价是37,000美元。他们说,他们不会为我提供手册J,只是一句话。他们将2 9KBTU单元放在我楼上的2间卧室中,这些卧室位于1.5级的斗篷中,带有倾斜的天花板。我的猜测是,有2个6KBTU墙单元1:1带有室外单元的良好倒闭将足够。除非我能找到一种方法来登楼。我真的需要一个经验丰富的评估者或类似的人来看我的房子,并考虑一切。

    1. Jeff Wasilko||#19

      We worked with Fleming Lund ( to do a blower door/IR audit of the house before we started. He does do HERS rating.

      1. Will R||#20

        谢谢杰夫,我现在使用鼓风机门的家伙too who will do some smoke guided airsealing for me who works with Byggmeister. I guess I don’t necessarily need the HERS rating but rather someone to look at the big picture of insulation steps going forward and manual J, S and D (if it makes sense) a long with the ability to add ventilation down the road.

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