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Matthew Michaud|Posted inGBA Pro帮助on

I have heard that it is necessary to prime the back side of the spruce clapboard that I am installing on my house in order to prevent rot. I do plan on having a 1/2-3/4″ air space in between the siding and house wrap. Is this extra step necessary? Lots of labor and extra paint I’d rather do without. On the outer surface I will be sealing the knots with BIN oil based stain blocker prior to solid stain application. Thanks for your help.

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  1. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1

    priming all six sides of your clapboard will both extend their lifespan and at least double the time until you need to repaint. I know it's a pain but well worth the effort.

  2. 罗杰·斯坦布林克(Roger Steinbrink)||#2

    Using a "slim Jim" , or "cigar", roller (6" - 3/4" nap) with an extension handle, a five gallon bucket, & screen, I paint all the end grains, tops, & bottoms first so I can stand them up to dry (if its not too windy) against a fence, or a gutter. To keep the gutter edge or fence top clean , I throw a drop cloth (a runner) over the fence, and some foil over the gutter if I don't have enough runners.
    虽然B-I-N通常是用于室内,如果aren't too many knot holes, I find it's cheaper, & faster to get a couple of cans of spray primer for this purpose. I use Binswanger 1-2-3 oil based primer, I find it more effective than Kilz. OOps! I just noticed you said you were going to stain them. Well, my mistake, but the process remains the same whether using stain or paint.

  3. 丹·科尔伯特(Dan Kolbert)||#3

    或者get a sprayer.

  4. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#4


    The only thing I don't like about pre-staining is that the scraps become trash instead of kindling. In spite of that, we pre-stain 100% of siding and trim, and then further coat(s) after installed.

  5. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5

    Not only does back-priming prevent rot, it prevents bowing & cupping. All siding takes on seasonal moisture from sources as diverse as direct rain, wicking, and vapor diffusion through the wall assembly. But if it's painted on only one side both the wetting rates and drying rates differ between the exterior & interior faces, which creates mechanical stresses that result in warping/bowing/cupping/splitting.



  6. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#6







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