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1954年在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的漫步者。在去年一些轻微的水入侵后,我在修补我们的地下室的过程中导致我们发现模具生长在我们的旧焦油纸后面后面的旧焦油饰面。我们得出结论是由于墙壁后面哭泣然后收集焦油纸,这是几十年来的问题,直到现在,没有明显失败。受影响的墙壁没有从外面防水,但地面已被后悔和塑料薄片从基础上铺设在地面4-8',以确保水从房子推开。墙壁已经与该解决方案开放了几个月,没有像我们一直在看到的湿关节一样垂直的迹象。我将用R-15 XPS将内饰直接固定在用螺柱壁和前面的混凝土连接到混凝土中。

但我的问题与我们的3/4完成地下室的洗衣/公用设施中的“未完成”墙有关......现在我有一些混凝土墙,涂有室内乳胶。我不知道这些墙壁上是否已经在这些墙壁上完成了任何德拉科或类似的防水,但在过去的11年里,我们在这里居住的这堵墙在这些墙上从未有任何明显的水分迹象。I was considering repainting as the existing paint is in good condition, save a little flaking by the floor (the worst spot shown in the attached pic), and we haven’t had obvious problems up till now (And wouldn’t expect to as this wall is protected from water intrusion on the outside by a massive three season porch covering almost the entire length). But everything I am reading in other forums says you should never paint and should get rid of paint asap. So I am looking for advice. Is it necessary to remove the old paint? If I remove it, we don’t especially want to finish this laundry area because of unbudgeted costs, but we do want our laundry room to be attractive so I am looking for a low cost option for some covering/tint on the walls that could go over the residual paint that will be left after stripping and scraping the walls. We are open to fairly industrial looks like thinset with permeable stains/paints. Or perhaps the most sound solution is to just plan on finishing this area the same way as the rest of the basement to complete the R-15 thermal envelope, but again, concerned about cost. We are talking about roughly 400 sq ft of exterior wall. I am a bit stuck and lost. Thanks for your good thoughts and outstanding forums.

GBA Prime.




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