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你好,我正在改造一座1970年的牧场风格的房子,并将把它搬到2×4钉板和胶合板。我在蒙大拿中南部。我们有2-3个月炎热干燥的夏季和2-3个月寒冷干燥的冬季,除此之外,天气相当温和。每年的降雨量只有14英寸,平均湿度在冬天从40到60不等。我希望对墙壁进行深度能量改造和一个全新的屋顶线(冷通风金属屋顶)。我要一间有空调的阁楼。场地位于一座经常刮西风的山顶(向南)。我们总是处于夏季野火的危险中,所以我在想,岩棉可能是一个很好的外部绝缘材料,纤维水泥(常绿原木)壁板也不错,因为几年前我的谷仓确实在一场野火中失去了,我不希望重蹈覆辙。我用的是丙烷,有一个95%效率的变速炉,但希望很快放入一个连接地热的CERV,只使用炉作为我的补充热量。那是在我把墙和屋顶设计对的情况下,这就是我需要你的建议的地方。 I want to get this right! We have all seen the ultimate wall design per Joe L. but for my dry location I can’t see the need for anything more than maybe a smart vapor retarder like Membrain behind the Sheetrock and maybe Tyvek (the crinkly rain screen kind) to the exterior of the insulation. I plan on using either Cool-vent panels or making my own cood vented (think Joe l. High snow/cold weather design) roof and repurposing my cedar siding into 1×4” rain screen spacers to put siding on. The Membrain people (at Hunter Panels) say their smart Membrain works both as a vapor control system and a weather resistant/ air barrier. Does anyone have experience with a smart membrane and care to comment? Are these claims correct? I am thinking (hopefully this is correct) that I really only need to worry about air control through the walls and roof and not vapor so much in my climate . The CERV can help with whole house air/vapor as it deals with air quality and I can let my walls essentially dry to both inside and outside. If I have to I can install a dehumidifier or humidifier in this system if needed to keep house at 45-50% humidity. Is this reasonable thinking? If you were building this what order of materials would you use to make this hybrid “perfect wall.” I am fully open to any and all ideas and constructive criticism if it helps me in my quest to marry building science and energy conservation tailored to this particular climate.



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