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How to Clean Liquid Flashing Product from Caulk Gun

sunil_j| Posted inGeneral Questionson


We had a caulk gun left with a partially used sausage tube of Zip Liquid Flash left in it overnight. Some of the liquid flash must have gotten into the threads of the cap and the removable nozzle, and I wanted to see if anyone had experience with a solvent that I could potentially soak the gun in to unscrew the cap and clean out the gun?

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  1. Eric Anderson||#1

    It's toast. Been there.

    1. sunil_j||#2

      Ugh. Thanks

  2. Aaron Hawkins||#3

    I've been there too. I ended up cutting the cap off, and then used a wire wheel to clean up the aluminum tube. You can order replacement caps pretty easily.

    A preventative measure I've taken since is to wax the threads with a furniture paste wax. The liquid flash might cure on top of it, but it can't hold on.

    1. sunil_j||#5

      Thanks Aaron, I'll try this. I ordered another one, but I have a coming weekend project to restore this one if possible.

  3. Paul Pfeiffer||#4

    I thought I had ruined my gun by leaving some Prosoco Joint & Seam Filler in it for probably over a year. But to my surprise, after cutting off the nozzle and playing around a bit I was able to unscrew the cap, I think with the help of channel locks (don't recall what all I did, actually). I also drilled through the cured sealant with a large cruddy bit, but in retrospect I can hardly believe that did any good. Perhaps it made it easier to twist the cap. There was some sealant in the threads too, but apparently a small enough amount to allow the cap to come off.

    1. sunil_j||#6

      Thank Paul, you give me hope!

  4. Jamie B||#7

    两个大wre通道锁或两个18”管道nches if you have them. Or a pipevice would be the easiest if you know someone with one. (A pipefitter or mechanical contractor would have this)

    You can twist the cap off while holding onto the body with another tool.

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