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Ridged foam over wood floor

Jimmy Black| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


I have a wood framed 1910 bungalow in zone 2a with wood floors on wood joists. Two rooms have lower floors (2-3”). I’d like to raise the floors to match the house. The two rooms get a lot of sun and the house has no wall insulation. I thought I might be able to kill two birds with one stone and help my insulation problem by using high density foam to raise it, then put 3/4 plywood on top and my finish floor on top.

My question is if there might any moisture issues over time and if I can do anything about them?

Thank you for your time and wisdom. I searched but only found references for foam on concrete or in different climates.

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  1. Expert Member

    I don't see any issues with this, but it would be cheaper to use 2x3s along the tops of the joists to bring the floor up. I would assume whatever is under that floor has other ventilation paths besides just through the floor, which should ensure you don't have moisture issues due to the foam.


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