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Rigid Foam on the interior face?





然而,我谈到设计的第一个GC注意到,在我们的地区劳动力成本相对较高,在整个周边建筑双柱墙的想法将是非常高的。他建议在内部使用硬质泡沫(3/4″-1″),然后使用全腔纤维素或喷雾泡沫。I haven’t read much about interior rigid.I would be a bit nervous about the drying potential to the interior particularly on a house with forced air cooling.Certainly, the construction details would be relatively straightforward.





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  1. 用户- 723121||# 1


    Interior foam is a bit of a pain for nail pops, hanging cabinets, window trim, etc.Look for a knowledgeable and progressive builder in your area that will build your house the way you want it.

  2. GBA编辑器


    1.With interior rigid foam, rim joists and partition intersections aren't as well insulated as with exterior rigid foam.


  3. jnarchitects||# 3

    You mention the advantages of exterior foam in a hot, humid climate, but any vapor concerns with interior foam in Zone 5?

    The disadvantages don't seem as significant as I thought they might.Trim install with exterior rigid is not particularly easy and the rim joist issue seems to be the same as with a double stud wall.

    It does seem like air sealing could be more difficult with interior foam, but maybe no different than a double wall.




  4. GBA编辑器
    马丁Holladay||# 4

    No real vapor concerns.

  5. jklingel||# 5

    我听到了关于双柱墙的“额外成本”的争论,但在我看来,在建造整个房子的大蓝图中,额外的人力用于墙是相当小的。For you professionals, how much time do you think double-studding adds, vs single-stud and exterior foam?I've only worked on a couple of houses, so my view is myopic on this.

  6. bdrfab||# 6

    取决于泡沫的厚度。只有1”吗?没有贴条?2"和毛皮条?两层泡沫?我有过在我的房子上放两层泡沫的经验,但没有双柱墙的经验。泡沫花了我相当长的时间,尽管在大多数情况下,在黑暗中工作,没有帮助。也没有裁掉几乎每一张纸。一般来说,框架部分是快速和简单的。我预计它会比单层泡沫带皮条和金属t型支撑略贵一些。 House shape/geometry would make a huge difference as well. But I'm thinking I would side with the OP on this, in new construction it would be easier to do the double stud wall, flashing and what not, with better insulation levels. A while back there was an article on a passive house built in Maine with I joists on the outside as insulation bays, built for $130/sf. Around here that is about the cost of a starter, builder level tract house. I'd guess the shell is typically 15-20% or so of the cost of the house, not including windows.

  7. jklingel||# 7


  8. 用户- 723121||# 8


    Some of your questions might be answered by the NREL Net Zero Habitat For Humanity house.

  9. dankolbert||# 9

    We've built several houses with double stud walls.In fact, I wrote a piece on one project for JLC a few years ago.It's easy, goes up fast, allows for flexibility, and avoids foam, which I think is always a goal worth pursuing in new construction.


  10. jklingel||# 10

    Doug: I scanned that article, and did not quite see what I was looking for.It was an interesting read anyway;the walls are quite similar to my house.丹:好吧。Especially if one has a Larsen/Riversong-type 2nd wall, there really is not a lot to it.The numbers I ran for my area we very much in favor of the double stud set up, ignoring labor costs, which is the big unknown to me.I don't get paid either way, and hope I run into someone who builds/built both ways and has some hard numbers.谢谢。

  11. wjrobinson||# 11

    Repetition makes almost any build way faster and hence lowers the labor cost.I explain to local carpenters how in California, 500 home tracts, go up at the speed they do one home and they just can't picture it.

  12. 用户- 755799||# 12

    I have built both ways a number of times and definitely prefer double stud to exterior foam.While the foam may seem quicker, the detailing becomes the time lag.Also, I would read this before going the exterior route (3/4" may be to thin even with polyiso):






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