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Roof replacement and insulation

David Moreland|发布了General Questions

I plan to replace my roof shortly. I am in zone 2A. Roof is 1″ in 12″, so low slope, and about 24 squares. House looks like an Eichler sort of, but not as nice. Only has 5 penetrations so roofing should be relatively easy. Current assembly from outside to inside-
火炬向下钻头,屋顶毛毡,5/8“胶合板,2 1/2”x 6 1/2“光束4”在中心,箔片,2x4s绑在梁的底部,干墙。一些天花板有6英寸的贝蒂,安装不良。
I plan to leave the existing roof, add 3″(maybe a little more) of polyiso, then maybe a recover board, then 80 mil TPO.

Comments and options are appreciated.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    First of all, can you tell us your name? (I'm Martin.)

    Q. "Is it worthwhile to cut the roof open at the rim joist (not sure if that is the correct term for this assembly?) and spray foam that short area from top of the walls to the roof deck? That would seal those vent holes and give me something close to an insulated and sealed envelope."

    A. Yes, that would be worthwhile.

    Q. "Comments and options are appreciated."


    For more information, see“绝缘低矮的住宅屋顶。”

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    U-Factor基础上的Code Min是U0.030,或R33.3“整个组装R”。适用于可操纵的火炬屋顶的屋顶Polyiso通常是R17 @ 3“。内部和外部空气薄膜添加另一个R1,屋顶甲板和干墙加入另一个R1,所以现在您在R19。

    为了加入额外的空气薄膜和纸铝的反射率的合法可以加入最高的R8-R9当闪亮 - 新的干燥时,但甚至脱脂涂层冷凝(你空调房子,你,带来铝的温度下降到室外露点)有时会降至〜R3,如R3所以最差的套件,你真的在​​R22,而不是R33.3。


    无论是6英寸的Polyiso还是3“Polyiso + 6.5”绒毛,问题仍然是底部加上TPO在顶部的TPO留下的箔片仍然产生水分陷阱,一旦通风口关闭就会产生水分陷阱。我相信它确实如此。如果它可能删除在填充腔之前至少大部分箔将是更加湿度的弹性。


  3. David Moreland||#3

    Thanks for the replies.
    I am David.
    I will try to edit my user information and have my name appear.
    2 issues with meeting code-
    1)Doubling the foam thickness is going to add some dollars, I will get that cost from the roofer.
    2)The face of the eave is currently 9 3/4" thick. Adding 3" is going to start looking too thick, adding another 3" to that will likely look bad. I realize these are aesthetic issues but that does factor in for re-sale and such. However, I will mock up a section with 6" of added thickness and see how it looks.

    I like the idea of venting the bricks. It seems like a DIY project I can handle. I will search for some tips on the procedure.

    I reckon this project is like many others and has to be balanced between cost, effort, and return. Going from essentially no R value to R-18 is probably the best I can manage but I will consider options.

  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    The moisture trap problem issue exists whether or not the bays are insulated with fiber, or whether there's 3" of foam up top or 6". It was designed to be vented from below, which is a thermal bypass for the insulation, but gives an air-drying path to the outdoors. With the foil in there preventing drying via diffusion to the indoors it's a moisture trap once the vents are blocked. That's fine if the wood is dry when it's sealed up, provided the roof never leaks.

    Using reclaimed roofing foam 6" is cheaper (and greener) than 3" of virgin-stock polyiso. Many building supply salvage outfits will have it, many will advertise in the local craigslist: adksfoam. +foam. adksfoam.

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