We hope to build a fairly tight house. On to dehumidifiers. What, if any are the downsides to whole house dehumidifiers? I would “infer” mind you that in theory we may be able to raise the thermostat on the AC up to say 78 vs 72 and with the “drier air”, feel just as if not more comfortable by using a whole house dehumidifier. Ultimately, the HVAC would possibly run less thereby reducing energy consumption. The unknown to me at this point, is what the energy consumption levels are of the dehumidifiers? One model I looked at was the Ultra Air XT155H. As a side note, is adding the fresh air intake a wise option? On the same note as the HVAC equipment since we have TWO HVAC units, would we need TWO whole house dehumidifier systems? As in one for each floor?
只要我们能够保持露水点,我相信这些单位会这样做,我们的舒适度将大大增加。因此,这引出了“费用?”的问题。在观看几个你的Tube Vids Witih Matt Risinginger之后,我知道这些系统的upsides。然而,发生了什么,必须下来,这对我来说是未知的。
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我想你正在领先自己。你不一定需要一个除湿ifier。我建议使用第三方HVAC工程师或Reset Rater,在您的房子上创建手册J.一个好顾问将帮助您决定限制您的能源使用的最佳策略。
您还想创建一种通风新家的策略。本文将提供一些有用的信息:https://www.greenbuildingadadadisor.com/blogs/dept/musings/designing- ood-ventilation -system.
You don't need it.
谢谢,我以前读过这篇文章。正如我所指出的那样,“学校我”。你能阐述“为什么不需要它”吗?观看Matt Risinger的视频具有完全良好的感觉。阁楼将是条件空间。我们的地区具有极端的夏季湿度。我可以了解通风和条件的阁楼,需要摆脱湿度。因此,当室外温度计/室内温度不足以运行足够长时间以消除高湿度时,如何摆脱极端湿度,以便去除高湿度?绝对需要一个很好的解释,就像我不需要的原因一样。
It's a learning process.
Looking athttps://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KALSEMIN4#history/s20160506/e20170507/myear
Dew point is not bad actually. You may need a dehumidifier for single digit days a year... Just get a $200 70 pint one if you really need it. The Frigidaire one is really good.
Current Conditions Station reported 0 second ago
Gusts 0.0 mph
Dew Point:
Precip Rate:
0 in/hr
Precip Accum:
0.00 in.
29.82 in
0 w / m2
Soil Temp:
In most cases, a properly sized air conditioner will keep your indoor humidity under control. The key is "properly sized" -- oversized units may not control your indoor humidity as well as a right-sized unit.
全室外除湿ifier的基本问题是,对一个次要问题的解决方案是一个不必要的昂贵的解决方案 - 一旦安装,它将运行比必要的时间更多,提高您的能源票据。
For more information on these issues, seeAll About Dehumidifiers。
其他人则表示,dehumidifi整个房子er an a house with reasonably sized air conditioning is something akin to using a sledgehammer as a flyswatter. Ductless cooling with a "DRY" or "DEHUMIDIFY" mode works pretty well, even in places such as the Philippines or Indonesia, locations more humid than the Gulf coast.
Be a bit circumspect about chasing the highest SEER cooling equipment (unless it has a dehumidifying mode), since the way those tests are run favors units with a lower latent/total cooling ratio.
顺便说一句:每900'蒂的吨是一个非常低的酒吧,可以清晰地 - 大多数代码都会击败这一点。在一个新的建筑3000'房子,你应该能够在每1500'范围内击中吨,每2000年的吨并没有出于问题。
This graph was Allison Bailes' Manual-J cooling load calculations of many houses (most in the Gulf coast states), plotting square feet per ton against house size:
笔记that only the WORST performers in the ~3000' ranger came in under a ton per 1000' (!).
This is new construction, where adjustments in the design, glazing, insulation, and orientation gives the designer a great deal of control of the cooling load. Settling for a ton per 900' would be downright silly, since it's probably not going to be expensive to double that to that a ton per 1800' (or more), which lowers the cost of mechanical systems while improving overall comfort. That's 1.5-2 tons of cooling equipment instead of 3.5 or more, say a couple of 1 ton or 1.25 ton Daikin Quaternity mini-splits, one per floor, or a 2 ton 3 zone multi-split (ducted, ductless or a combination) that both cools & heats with high efficiency.
Thanks MUCH Dana !